Balance Tips Yoga Class
Lets Practice Yoga Lets Practice Yoga
415 subscribers

 Published On May 30, 2022

Most people agree that the hardest part of any yoga class is just getting on the mat. If you struggle with motivating yourself and staying on track then check out my Yoga Habits Mentoring course here:

See all my yoga courses here!

I love this quote by Danielle Orner, “Life is a balance between what we can control and what we cannot.  I am learning to live between effort and surrender.”

I have noticed this relationship between effort and surrender in “real life”, as well as on the yoga mat.  

As we all know, real life gets a little too real sometimes.  In my experience we find peace in life if we give our best effort to things, and then, try to let them go.  Don’t mistake surrendering with giving up.

Surrendering is more like letting go and being at peace knowing that you have given your best.

Similarly, give each balance pose in yoga class your best effort, but always notice your mind---If we come into a balance pose on our mat griping, set and determined to hold the pose for as long as the teacher, or the person next to you,  often times your balance will be disappointing to you.  

As you come in and out of your balance pose slowly with control, “surrendering” to your body and your abilities you have a much better experience while in the balance pose.  

Be at peace with yourself as you strive for balance in your life.  Do things on your to-do list, but also put something on that list that gives you joy each day.

I find there is a lot of negative self-talk or judgement surrounding balance poses.  Give yourself a vote of confidence and then try your best, and if that foot lifts an inch or two off the mat and that is a victory for you, celebrate that.

Try these 4  helpful tips for achieving better balance.
1- Look at something not moving
2- Tighten your core
3- Press down under your big toe of your standing foot to really ground your standing leg
4- Stand up with a tall, long spine

Keep in mind that it is important to work on balance postures.  

Balance poses build strength, coordination and isolate specific muscles.  
As we age, balancing becomes more difficult. Try not to use that as an excuse to not practice it. 

If you’d like help with improving your balance, I have a special gift for you today!

By clicking the link below you can immediately access an 11 minute guided Yoga class I filmed.  

In this class we practice several balance postures.  I give you a modified version of the pose, as well as a full version and then we go over a dynamic version that will really get the balance juices flowing!

This Free yoga balance class will put you on the right path of confidently knowing how to strengthen your body. You’ll learn how to safely and effectively practice yoga poses for maximizing your balance ability. 

Keep in mind as you practice this class to give it your best effort, but to also surrender to where you are currently at.


P.S. Take your yoga skills to the next level! Get access to my entire growing library of over 48 yoga classes Free for 7-days here:
Try inviting a friend to practice with you. Aging gracefully is more satisfying the more people you bring along for the ride!

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