Chandra Dynasty and Surya Dynasty, Ancestors of Rama, Pandavas and Kauravas
Darah Biru Raja-raja Darah Biru Raja-raja
61.7K subscribers

 Published On May 18, 2024

For Indians, the Mahabharata and Ramayana books are not just books that are used as a reference for the basis of their religion. The two books are also considered to be the history of their ancestors, which starts from the story of the gods descending to the King of kings who ruled in the Hindu land. When we read the epics Mahabaratha and Ramayana, we are actually reading the history of 2 great dynasties that ruled the land of Jambu Dwipa. In the book MahaBharata tells about the history of Candra Dynasty or Soma Dynasty or Candra Vamsy. In the Mahabharata book, there are many branches of the dynasty that are branches of the Chandra dynasty. Broadly speaking, this Book tells the story of a civil war between branches of the Candra dynasty, to fight for the kingdom of HastinaPura.
The Ramayana book tells about Surya Dynasty or Ikshvaku Dynasty or Surya Vamsy. In the book of Ramayana, it tells about King Rama of the Kosala kingdom, who fought with King Ravana of the Alengka kingdom, who had stolen Dewi Sintha, Rama's wife.
In accordance with Hindu religious beliefs, the Candra Dynasty is a descendant of the Moon God, who in Indian language is called Candra or Soma. Until this dynasty refers to the Moon God. Whereas the Surya dynasty is the descendant of the Sun God, who in Indian language is called Surya. However, according to our opinion, the Candra Dynasty is an Indian Nation that uses the Lunar calendar or a calendar based on the circulation of the moon, and regards the Moon or the moon god, who sent down their ancestors. While the Surya Dynasty is an Indian race that uses the Sun calendar or a calendar based on the circulation of the Sun, and considers the Sun or Sun God, who sent down their Ancestors.

Admin Note: The genealogies and stories of the characters we tell are mostly based on the Mahabharata and Ramayana stories in India, while the stories in Indonesia are only for reference or comparison.

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00:00 Intro
00:29 Chandra Dynasty and Surya Dynasty
04:01 Dynasty of the Sun
05:52 Rishi Kasyapa
07:00 Aditi
07:29 Genealogy from Dad's line
08:12 Marishi
08:55 Genealogy from the Mother's Line
09:34 Daksa
10:17 Descendant of the Sun God
11:16 Waiwaswata Manu
13:25 Ikswaku
15:19 Ila
16:08 Dynasty of the Moon
17:55 Tara
19:06 Buddha
19:34 Pururawa
20:46 Closing

#WangsaChandra #WangsaSurya #Rama #Pandawa #Kurawa #Mahabharata #Ramayana #WangsaSoma #CandraVamsy #HastinaPura #WangsaIkshvaku #SuryaVamsy #Kosala kingdom #DewiSintha #Ram #Sita #Rahwana #KerajaanAlengka #Dewabulan #DewaMatahari #Ayodhya #Shravasti #DinastiBulan #DinastiMatahari #BuddhaGautama #SiddharthaGautama #Buddha #DewaCandra #DewaSurya #Kasyapa #Marici #Marishi #Dewata #Asura #Upanishad #Bhagawadgita #Daksa #DewiSaraṇyā #Saraṇyū #Samjnya #WaiwaswataManu #Yama #Yami #Rewanta #Aswin #WaiwaswataManu #SradadewaManu #Ikswaku #Manu #Ila #WangsaBulan #DinastiCandra #DinastiSoma #DinastiYadu #DinastiPuru #DinastiBharata #DinastiKuru #Tara #Wrehaspati #Brahma #Budha #Sukracarya #Pururawa #Ausiniri #Urwasi #Ayu

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