Orange Chiffon Cake, full of orange fragrance, refreshing and not greasy, super delicious
Leilei cooking Leilei cooking
63.6K subscribers

 Published On Dec 24, 2021

Orange Chiffon Cake, full of orange flavor, no need to add milk, refreshing and not greasy, super delicious, don't miss it
1. Mix the oil and flour first, so you don't have to worry about gluten up when you stir it~
2. The water absorption of flour is different, as long as the egg yolk paste is in a smooth state.
3. Many friends will ask, is it true that stirring with egg cream will not defoam? The answer is really, really, really not, and the egg custard is very fast, try it now
4. There is no need to entangle the cracking problem of Chiffon. Chiffon without cracking has no soul. Cracked Chiffon is more fragrant and more delicious.
#戚风蛋糕#香橙戚风蛋糕#chiffon cake#orange chiffon cake#cake
Ingredient list
3 medium eggs, 60 grams in shell
40 grams of oil
Orange juice 60g
Low-gluten flour 50g
1 tablespoon of white vinegar
Sugar 35g

Lower middle of the oven
Bake at 120 degrees for 30 minutes and then switch to 140 degrees for 30 minutes
Or bake at 150 degrees for 40 minutes (the cracks on the surface will be larger)

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