Floss cake sandwiches, the perfect combination of salty and sweet
Leilei cooking Leilei cooking
63.9K subscribers

 Published On May 21, 2022

Floss cake sandwich, the perfect combination of salty and sweet. The slightly sweet cake with savory meat floss and chives is so delicious. If you are tired of sweet cakes, come and try this cake, it is very simple to make and has a high success rate.

#scallion meat floss cake#cake sandwich #chiffon cake#sandwich

Ingredients list
6 eggs
Oil 60g (4 tbsp)
Salt 2g (1/4 tsp)
80g milk ( 1/3 cup)
1/2 cup low-gluten flour 90g
5g(1 tsp) white vinegar 1 tsp
Sugar 40g (3tbsp)
meat floss
chopped green onion
salad dressing

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