The Lineage of the Tokugawa Shogunate, the Last Shogunate in Japan
Darah Biru Raja-raja Darah Biru Raja-raja
61.7K subscribers

 Published On Apr 22, 2024

In the past, Japan was ruled by an emperor, but the real government was run by the Shogun or Sei-i Taishōgun. The meaning of Sei-i Taishōgun is Supreme Commander of the Expeditionary Force Against the Barbarians. Shogun was the title of military ruler of Japan, for most of the period between 1185 to 1868. A Shogun was traditionally appointed by the Emperor, the shogun was usually the de facto ruler of the Japanese state.
The position of shogun was in practice hereditary, although throughout Japanese history several different clans held the position. The title was originally held by military commanders in the Heian period of the eighth and ninth centuries. When Minamoto no Yoritomo gained political power over Japan in 1185, the title was revived to regulate his position, making him the first shogun in the commonly understood sense.
It is often said that one must be from the Minamoto lineage to become a shogun, but this is not true. While it is true that the Minamoto line was respected as a suitable line for the position of shogun, the fourth and fifth shoguns of the Kamakura shogunate were from the Fujiwara line (although their mother was from the Minamoto line), and the sixth through ninth shoguns were from the imperial line. Oda Nobunaga, who claimed to be a descendant of the Taira clan, was approached for the position of shogun a month before his death.

Shogunate in Japan
Actually there were 4 shogunates in Japan, but because there are differences between historians in determining the first shogunate, the shogunate is usually only mentioned 3. The four shogunates were:
1. First Shogunate or Heian Period (794–1185)
2. Kamakura Shogunate (1185–1333)
3. Ashikaga Shogunate (Muromachi Shogunate) (1336/1338–1573)
4. Tokugawa Shogunate (Edo Shogunate)(1603–1868)

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00:00:00 Intro
00:00:28 Shogun
00:03:00 Shogunate in Japan
00:04:22 Tokugawa Shogunate (1603–1868)
00:05:37 Tokugawa Ieyasu
00:09:43 Tokugawa Hidetada
00:12:01 Tokugawa Iemitsu
00:14:43 Tokugawa Ietsuna
00:17:59 Tokugawa Tsunayoshi
00:21:58 Tokugawa Ienobu
00:26:42 Tokugawa Ietsugu
00:30:32 Tokugawa Yoshimune
00:35:29 Tokugawa Ieshige
00:40:39 Tokugawa Ieharu
00:42:10 Tokugawa Ienari
00:45:11 Tokugawa Ieyoshi
00:48:24 Tokugawa Iesada
00:52:46 Tokugawa Iemochi
00:58:12 Tokugawa Yoshinobu
01:08:23 Conclusion

#Shogun #Japanese Shogunate #Tokugawa Shogunate #TokugawaIeyasu #TokugawaHidetada #TokugawaIemitsu #TokugawaIetsuna #TokugawaTsunayoshi #TokugawaIenobu #TokugawaIetsugu #TokugawaYoshimune #TokugawaIeshige #TokugawaIeharu #TokugawaIenari #TokugawaIeyoshi
#TokugawaIesada #TokugawaIemochi #TokugawaYoshinobu #TokugawaIesato #TokugawaIemasa #TokugawaTsunenari #TokugawaIehiro

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