HK Street Food: Fried Shredded Radish Cups & Yam Wedges Recipe (街頭小食:炸蕃薯與炸油滋) with Papa Fung
Papa Fung's Kitchen Papa Fung's Kitchen
22.7K subscribers

 Published On Aug 25, 2021

This old-school HK street food was once everywhere. The yam has a light dusting of icing sugar that helps bring its sweetness out, while the crispy and savoury radish cup has a unique texture to it due to the thinly sliced radish shreds. This sweet and savoury combo is a must-try!

0:00 Intro
00:17 Part 1: Fried Yam Wedges
00:30 Fried Yam Prep: Crispy Batter
1:22 Fried Yam Prep: Yam Wedges
1:38 Part 2: Fried Shredded Radish Cups
1:51 Fried Radish Cups Prep: Crispy Batter
2:11 Fried Radish Cups Prep: Radish Shred Cups
3:30 Part 3: Deep Fry
3:33 Deep Fry: Yam Wedges
4:22 Deep Fry: Radish Shred Cups
5:26 Finale

This recipe makes 13 fried turnip cakes and 10 strips of fried yam [製成油滋十三隻和十塊蕃薯]

Batter [脆漿]
300ml Water [水]
250g Pastry Flour [低筋麵粉]
40ml Peanut Oil [花生油]
20g Glutinous Rice Flour [糯米粉]
20g Rice Flour [粘米粉]
2g Baking Powder [發粉]

Fried Yam [炸蕃薯]
2 Yams [蕃薯]
Some Icing Sugar (Optional) [糖粉(隨意)]

Radish Cups [油滋]
600g Radish [蘿白]
100g Dried Shrimp [蝦米]
Some White Pepper [白胡椒粉]
Some Salt [鹽]

Batter [脆漿]
1. Combine baking powder with pastry flour, add some of the water, mix until combined. Add in Glutinous Rice Flour, rice flour, add in the rest of the water, mix. Add in peanut oil, mix until combined. Wrap and let it sit for 1 hour. For the radish batter, just add a sprinkle of salt to this recipe. [先混合麵粉和發粉,加少許水先攪匀再加其餘粉料和水撤底拌均匀,最後加油再撤底攪拌均匀,蓋好放置雪柜约一小時。]

Yam [炸蕃薯]
1. Slice yam into strips (with skin on), set aside. [洗净蕃薯連皮切片備用(别太厚)]
2. Dunk yam into fry dough to fully coat, toss into deep fryer with temperature at 150°C and fry until golden brown (5 mins). [蕃薯片蘸脆漿落油鑊炸約五分鐘至熟和金黄色即可取出,油温保持150度。]
3. Place on paper towel, to soak up excess oil, set aside [取得放紙巾上吸油。]

Shredded Radish Cup [油滋]
1. Soak dried shrimp until softened [蝦米浸軟備用。]
2. Shred radish into thin strips, sprinkle some salt to marinate the radish for 30 minutes. Strain excess water.[蘿白切丝加入鹽醃半小時瀝乾水份備用。]
3. Mix softened shrimp with radish, add in some white pepper and mix, set aside.[蝦米和蘿白丝混合加入胡椒粉調味拌均匀備用。]
4. Dunk tart cups into 150°C frying oil to coat. Place 1tbsp of dry dough into the tart cup, place radish mixture and fill up the cup. Pour in some more fry dough until it tops up the tart cup. [熱油至150度放入撻売燙一燙取出,放入一湯匙脆漿,加入蘿白丝再加脆漿填满撻売。]
5. Carefully place the entire tart cup into the fryer and fry for 2 minutes. Remove the tart cup and leave the radish mixture in the fryer for 6 minutes. Remove and place on paper towel to soak up excess oil [放油鑊中炸,約二分鐘可以離売,継續炸六分鐘至熟和金黄色即可取出放纸巾上吸油。]

Plate [上碟]
1. Place a tart cup with 2 strips of yam. Dust some icing sugar ontop of yam and serve.[放油滋在中間旁邊各放一片蕃薯,蕃薯面灑些少糖粉亨用。]

#streetfood #炸蕃薯與炸油滋 #friedrecipe

Music/Sound Credits:
Epidemic Sound: Overthinking by Dylan Sitts
Guitar Be-bop3 by Kaponja
Reverse Strum by Niffshack
Blip Plock Pop by Onikage22
5.5.16 by InspectorJ

Fujifilm XT3
Fujifilm XF80mm F2.8
Fujifilm XF 35mm F1.4
DJI Osmo 3
Vanguard Alta Pro 263AB Tripod

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