Alex Jordan: The Seismic World of Spiders | BIOTOPIA SENSE FESTIVAL
BIOTOPIA Lab | Naturkundemuseum Bayern BIOTOPIA Lab | Naturkundemuseum Bayern
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 Published On Nov 18, 2022

Alex Jordan, scientist at the Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior, shows us the fascinating sensory world of spiders, including their dangerous liaisons, surprising team-work and elaborate building techniques. Highlights of his research include the delicate interaction between spiders and their webs, as well as their sophisticated form of seismic sensing. And did you know, that spiders also have REM-sleep?

Alex Jordan uses quantitative approaches to study the evolution of animal social behavior in natural ecological and social contexts. His research combines different fields of study, from traditional field behavioural ecology, computational ethology, physics of social behaviour, neurobiology, and most importantly to evolutionary theory. He is also active at the interface of science, art, and community engagement, working with artists and academies.

The BIOTOPIA festival "SENSE - the Power of Perception" by BIOTOPIA - Naturkundemuseum Bayern explored the sensory world on 1 and 2 October 2022 at Schloss Nymphenburg (Hubertussaal), Botanical Garden Munich, Museum Mensch und Natur and the BIOTOPIA Lab! At the interface of bio- and neuroscience, art and design, the festival allowed visitors to experience the world of perception.

Subtitles available (English/German)!
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