Seated somatic yoga for vagus nerve activation | neck & shoulder relief | 9 minutes | music only
Spiritual Sports Club Spiritual Sports Club
11K subscribers

 Published On Aug 2, 2024

00:00-00:24 Intro
00:24-1:11 Connect with your breath - lengthen your exhale
1:11-2:11 Massage your neck and shoulders
2:11-3:05 Breathe in:raise your shoulders / Breathe out:release
3:05-4:07 Half circles with your head & intuitive movement on the left side
4:07-5:19 Half circles with your head & intuitive movement on the right side
5:19-6:44 Roll head up and down / add arms & shoulder
6:44-7:51 Intuitive movement
7:51-8:24 Shoulder rolls
8:24-8:34 Take some deep breaths
8:34-8:59 You made it! I am proud of you :)

So great that you take a break for yourself

Join me for a transformative session of seated Somatic Yoga, designed to relieve your neck, shoulder, and upper back pain while stimulating and rejuvenating your vagus nerve. In this practice, we'll blend gentle yoga stretches with somatic movements and mindful breathing to activate your vagus nerve, helping to regulate your nervous system and promote deep relaxation.

This routine is perfect for beginners and can be done anywhere – on a mat, chair, bed, or even outdoors. It's also an ideal office break to alleviate the strain of prolonged desk work.

You can use it perfectly as a morning or evening routine to start or end your day with ease and relaxation.

In addition to my German voice-over videos, I will be producing music-only somatic yoga and movement flows in the future, so everybody can join!

If you have any video requests, please let me know in the comments. :)

So schön, dass du hier bist und dir eine Pause nur für dich nimmst!

Diese somatische Yoga Session im Sitzen ist perfekt für dich, um Nacken-, Schulter- und Rückenschmerzen zu lindern und deinen Vagusnerv zu aktivieren. Sanfte Dehnungen, somatische Bewegungen und achtsames Atmen sorgen für eine ganz tiefe Entspannung.

Der Flow is ideal für Anfänger und überall durchführbar – auf der Matte, einem Stuhl, im Bett oder draußen. Perfekt als Morgen- oder Abendroutine oder als kurze Auszeit vom Schreibtisch.

Da es sich viele von euch gewünscht haben, werde ich ab sofort auch immer wieder somatische Yoga- und Bewegungsflows kreieren, die nur von Musik begleitet werden. Denn manchmal ist es angenehmer sich einfach nur auf seine eigene Bewegung und angenehme Klänge zu fokussieren. Damit der Flow mehr Menschen erreichen kann, habe ich ihn in Englisch erstellt.

Hast du Wünsche für neue Videos? Schreib sie mir so gerne in die Kommentare. :)

So schön, dass du hier bist!

Deine Franzi

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Yoga Mat ARISE*:

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Yoga Mat ARISE*:

* this is an affiliate link. When you buy sth with my link I receive a small commision. The price stays the same for you but you can support me through your purchase. :)

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If you like my free content and want to give me something back, you can support me with a donation. You help me to continue to create free, somatic flows and to help many people feel safe and connected to themselves and their bodies again. ❤️

🌱 Let's connect 🌱

Instagram:   / spiritualsportsclub  

🌱 Important! 🌱

This channel provides valuable information on mental and physical health. I would like to point out that this information is a supplement to professional medical advice. Before you do the exercises shown in my videos, you should make sure they are right for you. It is best to consult a doctor about this. Please also note that somatic work can bring up and release emotions, so it is important that you listen carefully to yourself and take care of yourself. I am not liable for any injuries or damages. Your health and safety are important to me and I am happy to support you on your path to a healthier and more balanced life.

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