Now Lend Your Ears
Ralston Ralston
759 subscribers

 Published On Sep 19, 2022

Now lend your ears unto a tale
How righteousness came to prevail,
Like sunshine's fingers on the dale
As nightingales at dawn sang hail.

The Man of Praise in glory days
With triumphs did the land amaze.
Be glad my brothers and all raise
Your blessings to his name and praise.
Salli Rabbi 'ala'l-nabi al-Hashimi 'l-Muttalibi

Old Abraham as God's true friend
Did wife and son to Him commend,
Through Zamzam God did both defend
And on the twain did mercy send.

The sage's seeds dwelt midst the weeds
Of Jurhum's vain and heathen deeds,
But God kept clean that string of beads
A prophet's kin no idol heeds.

God brought that line of shining light
To Amina one golden night.
She saw her husband's brow shine bright
My noble spouse what is this sight?

A mystery from Adam's time
A blessing from the Lord divine;
A miracle, a grace, a sign
Within you, blessed spouse, will shine.

For nine full moons that desert girl
An oyster was, prizing that pearl,
Above her brow the planets whirl
A rose whose fragrance shall unfurl.

Sweet Amina's hour then grew near
With Ahmad, beauty without peer,
With many portents far and near
Resplendent lights soon did appear.

Give welcome to this chosen one
O welcome, welcome blessed one!
For earthly spheres thou art the son
The race of men delight has won.

O welcome now, o well-blessed guide,
The gates of Paradise stand wide,
The roses blow on every side,
The demons flee, their faces hide.

The angels round the Ka'ba bowed
They circled and announced aloud:
Today the pledge that God once vowed
Of Ishmael's children is avowed.

The cornerstone is put in place
God's ancient promises of grace;
The elder son and heir in place
But neither son has lost the race.

In God's full time that promised seer
Jerusalem's old Mount came near
Where Moses, Abram, Jesus dear
The Word of God from him did hear.

He led them all in fervent prayer,
Then Gabriel, by heaven's stair,
Did lead him to that mansion rare
Beyond which angels may not dare.

So brethren, lovers, who aspire
For God to raise you from the mire
Of pagan thoughts and false desire
And set your hopes on what is higher;

Desire deny, this world endure,
Remember now the Prophet pure
Whose path protects from sin's allure
Whose intercession is our cure.

Words: Abdal Hakim Murad

Music: Traditional English Air; performed by Eric MacFadden.

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