Benedictions III
Ralston Ralston
759 subscribers

 Published On Feb 9, 2024

Allah bless Thine alderliefest,
Best of the praised, to praise Thee best;
Prince of every territory,
Herald of celestial glory.

Allah bless the Prophet of War,
Sea of mysteries without shore,
Crown of all Thy vast creation,
Noblest liege of noblest nation.

Allah bless him who set us free
From the fire and led us to Thee;
First of all in lordly features,
Last of all the lordly teachers.

Allah bless our mediator
Who shall pray Thee, "O Creator,
Pardon my flock their transgression
Through this promised intercession."

Allah bless that most august host,
Holy league of Thy love doth boast;
Seal of Saints, Thy Spirit Jesus,
Seal of Prophets, Paracletus.

Allah bless him who ascended
On buraq, that night transcended
Unto Thine empyreal presence
To behold sublimest essence.

Allah, by the fount of all light,
Grace us with Thy holiest sight.
Grant us all that heavenly look;
Vow eternal of Thy last book.

And to mankind, djinn and demon,
All those who would evil summon:
Gabriel, Michael, God above, view
And Mohamed is before you.

Music: Scots traditional with original words (tune from the "Al-Hamdiyya" collection by Abdal Hakim Murad). Performed by Eric MacFadden. Arranged by Guilherme da Fonseca.

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