Dzikir Night Before Sleeping - Open the Door of Sustenance, Facilitate All Matters & heart calm
Cahaya Hati Islami Cahaya Hati Islami
23.5K subscribers

 Published On Mar 6, 2021

Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Dzikir Morning And Evening Opening The Door of Sustenance & Soothing Heart / Soul || Make All Affairs Easy

Dhikr Is A Simple Way To Get Closer To Allah & To Get Rahmad And Blessings From Allah Subhanallahu Wa ta'alaa. Dhikr is ordered to be done anytime and anywhere ...

If We Do It With Istiqomah Insha Allah We Will Get All Benefits.

Dzikir is a form of worship to keep remembering Allah. This is done by chanting and praising Allah. Dzikir is one of the obligations stated in the Al Quran.

Allah Ta'ala said, "And praise Him in the morning and evening. It is He who gives mercy to you and His angels (asking forgiveness for you), so that He will bring you out of the darkness to the light (the light). And He is Most Merciful to those who believe ”(Surah Al-Ahzab: 42-43).

"So praise Allah when you are in the evening and when you are in the morning" (Surah Ar-Rum: 17).

The benefit of the first morning and evening dhikr is to get protection from Allah SWT. People who always praise the greatness of Allah will always be protected from badness. Dhikr can also open the door to salvation in the hereafter. Sufficient Needs, Promised Heaven, Getting Peace of Heart / Soul & Practices that the Messenger of Allah likes.

In the hadith of Abu Hurairah radhiyallahu 'anhu it is stated that whoever recites this dhikr in the evening three times, then he will not be in danger of poison in that night. (HR. Ahmad 2/290).

Dzikir is one of the most favored practices of Allah SWT. This is stated in the hadith which reads:

"Will you I show your best deeds, most holy in the sight of your King (Allah), and most elevate your rank; better for you than gold or silver infaq, the companions who were present said:" Will (O Messenger of Allah)! " He said: "Dzikir to Allah Most High." (HR. At-Tirmidzi no. 3377).

Reciter: Hasan Al Banna

Hopefully We Can All Practice It With Istiqomah and May All Sins Are Forgiven By Allah And All Hajat Is Granted By Allah Subhanallahu Wa ta'alaa & Always Get Protection from the World / Hereafter
Aamiin ya robbal alamin ...

"The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, Whoever shows something good, then he will get a reward like the reward of those who do it." [Reported by Muslim]

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