Sholawat Number 1 & The Most Special || Sholawat Directly From Rasulullah || Sholawat Ibrahimiyah
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 Published On Sep 30, 2021

Sholawat Number 1 & The Most Special || Sholawat Directly From Rasulullah || Sholawat Ibrahimiyah 100 Times

got High Degree

If a Muslim recites the Ibrahimiyyah prayer, that person will be elevated ten times and Allah will erase his bad deeds.

The Messenger of Allah said, "Whoever prays to me once, Allah will bless him ten times and remove ten faults from him and raise him ten degrees." (HR. An-Nasa'i)

Receive intercession from the Prophet

It is stated in a hadith that a Muslim who consistently practices the Ibrahimiyyah prayer will receive intercession from the Apostle.

Imam Ahmad As-Shawi mentions in a hadith, the Messenger of Allah said, "Whoever reads this prayer (ibrahimiyah) then I bear witness for him on the Day of Resurrection with testimony and I intercede for him."

Get Priority from the Prophet

Prophet Muhammad SAW will prioritize on the Day of Judgment later for Muslims who always pray to him.

In a hadith narrated by Imam Tirmidhi, the Messenger of Allah said, "Indeed, it is more important for me tomorrow on the Day of Judgment, that they recite the Salawat to me more."

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