I've been praying for years, but none of them is getting accepted! Why? - Dua / Kerem Önder
İhramcızâde İlim Yayma - Kerem Önder İhramcızâde İlim Yayma - Kerem Önder
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 Published On Oct 5, 2016

I've been praying for years, but none of them is getting accepted! Why? - Dua / Kerem Önder

I've been making dua for years, but none of them is getting accepted! Why?

Question: Assalaamu alaikum. Hodja, I've been praying for years, but none of my duas received any response. I prayed with all the duas with guarantee, with the duas of Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam, and with the Ism al Azam. I supplicated with my own words many times sincerely, but nothing changes. Neither the salatul hajat, nor the other salahs worked for me. I know all the knowledge there is to know about dua. Ayahs, hadiths, and the quotes of the ahlullah and so on. Therefore, I'm not asking due to my lack of knowledge, alhamdulillah. I asked the other Hodjas as well, but they couldn't find a solution. They all repeated what I already know. What bothers me is not that my desires are not met. It's that none of my duas are getting responded. I prayed for many things many times, but I saw none of them happening. I don't have to see them happening, but I didn't even receive a single response. There's no sin I commit, so I can't think that this situation is just a compensation for that. And I can't also think of its delay as something good, because its response does not even delay. In the nights of Kandil (holy nights), and in Laylat al-Qadr, I prayed. But again I didn't receive any response. I still didn't lose my hope from Allah (SWT)'s mercy. But I'm still searching for a solution for this. Let alone my duas' not receiving any response, I don't also know why they're not getting responded. If I ever know, I'll feel better. I recited the Qur'an many times. I read the hadiths, but I found no solution. I ask myself sometimes if I committed a sin unintentionally and Lord (SWT) forsook me. I can't find any other explanation. Do you think I am left deprived of Ilahi (divine) grace? I'm not bemoaning, because my wishes are not met, Hodja. All I care about is why none of my duas are responded. This is the mess I'm in. What do I have to do? May Allah (SWT) be pleased with you.

Answer: Wa alaikum salaam.
"And when My servants ask you concerning Me, then (answer them), I am indeed near [to them by My ilm (knowledge)]. I respond to the duas of the supplicant when he calls on Me. So let them obey Me and believe in Me, so that they may be led aright." [Al Baqara 186]

After reading this ayah, ask yourself this question:
Does Allah (SWT) hear me everytime I pray, or not? Your answer should be - without any doubt - 'He (SWT) definitely hears'.

Right after that ask yourself another question: "Can Allah (SWT) create what I want instantly, or not?" The ayah, "He is over all things competent, [Al Mulk 1]" must be in your mind right now.

Do you pay attention to your manner of initiation while praying? Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam said, "If anyone of you will wish something from Allah (SWT), start with hamd and praises. Then send salawat to Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam. Then wish whatever you wish.

Check your dua, is it a memorised one? Is your heart is busy with the dua you're performing, or with something else? Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam says, "Perform the dua in surety that Allah (SWT) will respond. Know that Allah (SWT), will not respond to any duas from a heart that is busy with other things in total unawareness, and away from such a belief."

One of the reasons why duas are not responded is that the servants are rushing after the dua. Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam said, "As long as you don't rush, all your duas will be responded."

And the other reason why your duas are not responded is committing sins regularly, and stopping visiting the relatives. How is your relationship with your relatives?

"As long as the servant does not wish sins and the termination of silat ur-Rahim, his/her duas continue to be responded."

Or the responses to your duas might be kept for the Akhirah. Allah (SWT) might have willed that you receive something exponentially more in Akhirah, rather than on earth. How can we be sure?

Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam said, "Allah (SWT) responds everyone praying to Him. This response takes place either on earth, or it's kept for the Akhirah. Or this response for the dua is the compensation for the sins to the extent the servant prays. As long as the servant does not wish sins, termination of the silat ur-Rahim, or rush."

So, what you have to do is not to pray for being responded instantly. Rather it's to keep praying insistently because it's a duty of servitude.
If you wish to be valued in the sight of Allah (SWT), you should keep praying without feeling tired or losing hope.

"Say: My Lord (SWT) cares for you only because of your dua for Him (SWT)." [Furqan 77]

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