Smovey Rings in Somatic Experiencing with Dr. Peter A. Levine & Dr. Abi Blakeslee
Ilene Blaisch Ilene Blaisch
628 subscribers

 Published On May 18, 2018

This video is for Somatic Experiencing Practitoners (SEPs) who are interested in learning more about using the Smovey Vibroswing System (Smovey Rings) in SE Practice. It features Dr. Peter A. Levine demonstrating his use of the rings in a session & Dr. Abi Blakeslee, Faculty with the Somatic Experiencing Trauma Institute discussing key concepts related to the Smovey Rings in trauma healing work. Video edited and narrated by Ilene Blaisch, LCSW, SEP and Smovey Coach/Reseller. For more information, please e-mail Ilene at [email protected] or go to her website:

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