आमच्या व्हिडिओमध्ये तुमचे नाव. Marathi Q&A talk show by Marathi vloggers abroad Apla Shamu.
आपला शामू -Apla Shamu आपला शामू -Apla Shamu
57.2K subscribers

 Published On Oct 18, 2022

काल झालेला प्रश्नोत्तरांचा पहिला कार्यक्रम यशस्वी झाल्यामुळे आजच्या आजच दुसरा कार्यक्रम करायला घेतला. कालचा कार्यक्रम जरी यशस्वी झाला तरी एका गोष्टीचे फार दुःख झाले. काही जणांनी त्यांचे नाव व्हिडिओमध्ये आले नाही म्हणून निराशा व्यक्त केली. शंभर दीडशे तून दहा-बारा प्रश्न निवडून एक कार्यक्रम करायचा तर त्यात सर्वांचे नाव कसे येणार बरे? आणि सर्वांची नावे घेत बसले तर तो कार्यक्रम गप्पाटप्पांचा न होता नामावलीकरणाचा असा कंटाळवाणा कार्यक्रम होऊन जाईल नाही का? तरीसुद्धा या कार्यक्रमांमध्ये गेल्या कार्यक्रमातील प्रतिक्रियांचा जास्तीत जास्त आढावा घेतला आहे.
हा कार्यक्रम कालच्या झालेल्या कार्यक्रमावर आधारित असल्यामुळे तो जर तुम्ही अजून पाहिला नसेल तर आधी निश्चित पहावा: https: //   • आधी वाईट बातमी हवी का चांगली? Your qu...  

Soon after our first episode of Q&A which was quite successful yesterday I decided to get the second episode up today. I was a bit sad because few of you have been disappointed since their names were not called in the program. I am truly sorry but is it really possible to call out hundreds of names in a program which is best on 10 to 12 of your comments? I very much hope that you will understand me. I tend to make the Q&A as entertaining as possible instead of a simple question and answers talk. Today's program is based on the comments of yesterday's program and I have did my utmost to enter most of the comments from it and I hope I will not bore you. In the future programs I prefer to select comments through which a simple talk between us could be modified. I'm sure that it will entertain you. Thank you very much.

**Corrections by our viewers:
Friend you said that yappo was built 1200 years ago. This city name is mentioned in the book of Jonah. This is very old city.
Thanks to our viewer for correcting. Here is some fact checked history Of Jaffa city in Israel.
Jaffa's history stretches back to around 7,500 BCE, making it an astonishing 9,500 years old!. Jaffa is mentioned several times in the Bible, emphasizing its long-standing significance. For example, it is said that Jonah embarked from Jaffa on his fateful journey before being swallowed by a whale. Additionally, Jaffa is where the cedar trees from Lebanon were delivered for the building of Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem around the 10th century BCE.In 332 BCE, Alexander the Great took control of Jaffa, and it subsequently became part of the Hellenistic Kingdom.In the early 16th century, Jaffa came under Ottoman rule, which lasted for about 400 years. During this period, Jaffa continued to thrive as a major port city. The 19th century brought new waves of immigrants, including Jews, Christians, and Muslims, contributing to the vibrant and diverse culture we see today.In the 20th century, Jaffa played a significant role in the development of the modern state of Israel. In 1950, it was merged with the nearby city of Tel Aviv to form the municipality of Tel Aviv-Yafo.

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