Tonny Koeswoyo - The Maestro (Documentary of Indonesia's Greatest Music Legends)
Koes Plus Koes Plus
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 Published On Premiered Oct 10, 2018

Koestono Koeswoyo (lahir di Tuban, Jawa Timur, 19 Januari 1936 – meninggal di Jakarta, 27 Maret 1987 pada umur 51 tahun) atau Tonny Koeswoyo adalah pimpinan dari group Koes Bersaudara dan group Koes Plus. Tonny dapat memainkan tiga alat musik yaitu piano, gitar dan keyboard.

Nama Koes Plus mulai dielu-elukan khalayak secara live setelah tampil membawakan lagu Derita serta Manis Dan Sayang dalam acara Jambore Band di Istora Senayan November 1970. Saat itu Koes Plus tampil bersama band Panbers dan beberapa band sohor lainnya. Semua peserta menyanyikan lagu Barat berbahasa Inggris. Hanya Koes Plus yang berani tampil beda dengan menyanyikan lagu ciptaan sendiri berbahasa Indonesia. Sejak itu popularitas Koes Plus seolah tak terbendung, menggelegar, dan merajai industri musik Indonesia. Terlebih setelah Koes Plus berpindah ke label Remaco yang dipimpin Eugene Timothy. Koes Plus akhirnya menjadi mesin hits yang terus dipacu tiada henti oleh Remaco. Dalam catatan pada tahun 1974 Koes Plus merilis sekitar 24 album yang berarti setiap sebulan sekali Koes Plus merilis 2 album. Lagu berjudul '' Why Do You Love Me'' pernah menjadi top hits peringkat 1 di Australia untuk 3 minggu tahun 1972 kalahkan The Bee Gees, Led Zeppelin, Queen dan The Rolling Stones.

Periode 1970-an seolah menjadi era mereka. Waktu itu Indonesia benar-benar dipenuhi oleh lagu-lagu Koes Plus. Baik radio atau orang pesta selalu mengumandangkan lagu Koes Plus. Barangkali tidak ada orang-orang Indonesia yang waktu itu masih berusia remaja yang tidak mengenal Koes Plus. Kapan Koes Plus mengeluarkan album baru selalu ditunggu-tunggu pecinta Koes Plus dan masyarakat umum.

Bahkan group ini berhasil merilis lebih dari 100 album berbagai jenis aliran musik seperti Pop, Dangdut, Melayu, Keroncong, Jawa, Folksong, Rock, Bosanova, Qasidah, Natal, Pop Anak-Anak, dsb. Lagu-lagu mereka banyak yang menjadi hits yang melegenda sepanjang masa hingga saat ini. Lagu-lagu mereka hits di tangga lagu Indonesia, dinyanyikan semua umur, seperti Bujangan, Muda-Mudi, Kembali Ke Jakarta, Diana, Kapan-Kapan, Kolam Susu, Andaikan Kau Datang, Kisah Sedih Di Hari Minggu, Pelangi dan banyak lainnya.

Koestono "Tonny" Koeswoyo (19 January 1936 – 27 March 1987) was an Indonesian rock musician and leader of the music group Koes Plus. Tonny Koeswoyo played piano, guitar and keyboard.

The name Koes Plus began to be applauded by the audience live after performing the songs Derita and Manis Dan Sayang during the Jamboree Band at Istora Senayan November 1970. At that time Koes Plus performed with the band Panbers and several other famous bands. All participants sang English-speaking Western songs. Only Koes Plus dares to be different by singing Indonesian-made songs. Since then the popularity of Koes Plus seems unstoppable, booming, and dominating the Indonesian music industry. Especially after Koes Plus moved to the Remaco label led by Eugene Timothy. Koes Plus finally became a hit machine that continues to be driven endlessly by Remaco. In the record in 1974 Koes Plus released around 24 albums which meant that once a month Koes Plus released 2 albums. Their famous English song ''Why Do You Love Me'' became a number 1 hit in Australia for 3 weeks beating The Bee Gees, Led Zeppelin, Queen and The Rolling Stones.

The 1970s seemed to be their era. At that time Indonesia was completely filled with Koes Plus songs. Their songs were always played on the radio with people always singing Koes Plus songs at party's. Perhaps there were no Indonesians who were teenagers who did not know Koes Plus. Whenever Koes Plus would release a new album the public, their lovers and their fans would always be waiting.

Even this group has successfully released more than 100 albums of various types of music such as Pop, Dangdut, Melayu, Keroncong, Javanese, Folk song, Rock, Bosanova, Qasidah, Christmas songs, Pop Children, etc. Many of their songs became legendary hits of all time to date. Their songs hit Indonesian music charts, sung at all ages, such as Bujangan, Muda-Mudi, Kembali Ke Jakarta, Diana, Kapan-Kapan, Kolam Susu, Andaikan Kau Datang, Kisah Sedih Di Hari Minggu, Pelangi and many others.

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