Did You Know |
Sajee Sajee
79.3K subscribers

 Published On May 9, 2020

Did You Know? | Episode 03 | 12 Amazing science facts that will blow your mind

Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known

1. In an entire life time, the average
person walks the equivalent of five
times around the world.

2. You get red eyes in pictures because
your pupil is just a hole and the flash
reflects the blood in the back of your

3. In zero gravity, a candle’s flame is
round and blue.

4. When you Sneeze, your entire body
function stop, even your heart.

5. There is an area in Canada, with
gravity less than the rest of the Earth.
This is in the Hudson Bay Area of

6. The Amazon delivers 55 million gallons
of water into the Atlantic Ocean every
second & more than 20% of the world’s
oxygen is produced by the Amazon
rain forest.

7. Watching a horror movie burns nearly
200 calories in just 90 minutes, due to
the increase in heart-rate.

8. Oil is made from the remains of plants
and animals that lived millions of years
ago. That’s why it could eventually run

9. Over 24,000 people are killed by
lightning strikes worldwide every year.

10. Octopuses have three hearts, nine
brains, and blue blood.

11. Your eyebrows renew themselves
every 64 days.

12. There is no such thing as moonlight,
the light you see is the reflection of the
sunlight off the moon’s surface.

Improving your knowledge daily with interesting facts, stories and things that make you think, Heaps of interesting fun facts and figures to keep you entertained.

Video footage CreditsVideo by tball from Pixabay Video by John Macdougall from Pixabay Video by Luc De Cleir from Pixabay Video by dianakuehn30010 from Pixabay

#didyouknow #justfacts #Episode05 #AmazingScienceFacts

Translated titles:
¿Sabías? El | # E03 | 12 hechos científicos sorprendentes que te dejarán boquiabierto

Wusstest du? | # E03 | 12 Erstaunliche wissenschaftliche Fakten, die Sie umhauen werden

Le saviez-vous? | # E03 | 12 faits scientifiques étonnants qui vous épateront

Você sabia? | # E03 12 fatos científicos surpreendentes que vão surpreender

क्या तुम्हें पता था? | # E03 | 12 अद्भुत विज्ञ

هل كنت تعلم؟ | # E03 | 12 حقائق علمية مذهلة ستفجر عقلك

Lo sapevate? | # E03 | 12 Incredibili fatti scientifici che ti lasceranno a bocca aperta

知ってますか? | #E03 | 12あなたの心を吹く驚くべき科学の事実

Adakah kamu tahu? | # E03 | 12 Fakta sains luar biasa yang akan meletupkan fikiran anda

Вы знали? | # E03 | 12 удивительных фактов науки, которые вз

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