[김치쌤 이하연] 겉절이 양념장 황금 비율 신김치를 안드시는 분을 위한 생김치 레시피
김치쌤 이하연 김치쌤 이하연
114K subscribers

 Published On Nov 20, 2020

봉우리김치 홈페이지


~절임 1회분~
배추 ½ 포기 (500g) napa cabbage
물  1컵 water
천일염 50g solar salt
~부재료 1회분~
쪽파 100g scallions
미나리 100g water celery
갓 100g leaf mustard
사과 ¼개 apple
배 ¼개 pear
깨소금 1t sesame salt
참기름 1t sesame oil
~양념 6회분~
고춧가루 3컵 red pepper powder
찹쌀죽 1컵 glutinous rice porridge
새우젓 2T salted shrimp
멸치액젓 1컵 anchovy sauce
다진마늘 100g crushed garlic
다진생강 2t crushed ginger
멸치가루 2t anchovy powder
생새우 100g raw shrimp
다시마물 1 ½ cup kelp water
1. 배추는 깨끗히 손질해 밑동을 제거하고 먹기 좋은 크기로 썰어준다.
1. Clean the cabbages, remove the bottom, and cut them into bite-sized pieces.

2. 분량의 천일염과 물로 20~30분간 살짝 절인다.
2. Slightly marinate with salt and water for 20 to 30 minutes.

3. 절여진 배추는 한 번 헹군 다음 물기를 빼준다.
3. Rinse pickled cabbage once and drain.

4. 배와 사과는 채 썰고 쪽파, 미나리, 갓은 3~4cm 길이로 썬다.
4. Shred pear and apple and cut chives, water parsley, and gat into 3~4cm long pieces.

5. 분량의 양념재료를 섞어 양념장을 만든다.
5. Mix the amount of seasoning ingredients to make the sauce.

6. 양념장은 1회분 씩 나누어 통에 넣고 냉장 보관한다.
6. Refrigerate 1 serving of seasoning in a container.

7. 준비된 양념장에 절인배추와 부재료를 넣고 잘 버무린다.
7. Add pickled cabbage and ingredients to the prepared seasoning sauce and mix well.

8. 냉동 보관한 양념장은 해동 후 절인배추와 부재료를 준비해 버무린다.
8. After thawing the frozen sauce, prepare and mix pickled cabbage and ingredients.

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