Sourdough starter, simple step-by-step recipe. Your first sourdough bread!
Ricette di Caterina Ricette di Caterina
337K subscribers

 Published On Nov 2, 2023

Creating Your Sourdough Starter: Step-by-Step Guide
Embarking on the journey of sourdough bread-making begins with the creation of a vibrant and active sourdough starter. Follow these simple steps to cultivate your own starter from scratch:

Day 1:
Gather Your Ingredients:
1/4 cup of drinking water (at room temperature)
1/4 cup white flour for bread
Mix Water and Flour:
In a clean glass jar or container, combine the water and flour until you achieve a smooth consistency, free from lumps.
Cover and Rest:
Cover the jar loosely with a clean cloth or plastic wrap to allow airflow. Place it in a warm spot in your kitchen, away from direct sunlight.
Day 2:

Observe Your Starter:
You may notice small bubbles forming in the mixture, indicating that fermentation has begun. This is a positive sign of yeast activity.
Feed Your Starter:
Add equal parts of flour and water (1/4 cup each) to the starter. Mix well to incorporate.
Cover and Rest:
Return the jar to its warm spot and cover it loosely. Allow the starter to ferment and develop further.
Day 3:

Check for Progress:
Your starter should exhibit more bubbles and a slightly bad sour aroma. This is normal and indicates that the fermentation process is advancing.
Feed Your Starter Again:
Repeat the feeding process add equal parts of flour and water (1/4 cup each). Stir thoroughly to combine.
Patience Is Key:
Continue to observe and feed your starter daily, maintaining its consistency and observing any changes in aroma and activity.
Subsequent Days:

Maintain Your Starter:
Continue the daily feeding routine, replenishing it with equal parts of flour and water.
Watch for Signs of Readiness:
Your starter will gradually become more active, with increased bubbling and a pleasantly sour aroma. It may take anywhere from 5 to 7 days for your starter to fully mature.
Ready to Bake:
Once your starter is consistently doubling in size within 4-8 hours of feeding and exhibits a tangy aroma, it is ready to use in your sourdough bread recipes.
Maintenance Tips:

Store your mature starter in the refrigerator between uses, feeding it weekly to keep it active.
Before using your refrigerated starter, allow it to come to room temperature and feed it with fresh flour and water.
Remember to reserve a portion of your mature starter before each use to maintain its longevity.
With patience, care, and a little bit of magic, you'll soon be enjoying delicious homemade sourdough bread made from your very own starter. Enjoy the journey!
Ingredients for the First Bread:

300 g of starter (1.1/4 cup)
300 ml of drinking water (1.1/4 cup)
500 g of flour (4 cups)
2 teaspoons of salt

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