Did You Know |
Sajee Sajee
79.3K subscribers

 Published On Apr 29, 2020

Did You Know? | Episode 01 | 15 Interesting Facts You might not know

Never give up because great things take time

1. The sun is actually White, it just
appears yellow to us through the
earth's atmosphere

2. Banana is a happy fruit. Eating just
one can help relieve irritable emotions,
anger and or depression.

3. Studies have suggested that gifted
people often have bad handwriting
because their brains are working faster
than their hands.

4. Every 35 days, your skin replaces itself
and your body makes new cell from the
food you eat. what you eat literally
becomes you.

5. Your nose is connected to the memory
centre of your brain. That's why smells
can trigger powerful memories.

6. While Reading This Post, You Will Not
Recognize that the the brain does not
recognize the second ‘The’

7. When Writing, Studying Or Reading,
Listen to Music with no vocals. it will
allow you to concentrate better

8. Sharks are the only animals that never
get sick. They are even immune to
every known disease including cancer

9. The smell of an orange relieves stress.Smelling an orange or eating one can
reduce stress by over 70%

10. Henry Mishel-American was the first
person who introduced ‘Exams’

11. Marijuana helps slow the growth of
cancer cells. (medical propose)

12. Scientists concluded that Chicken
came first not the egg because the
protein which makes egg shells is
only produced by hens

13. Chocolate contains phenylethylamine
(PEA), the same chemical released in
your brain when you fall in love

14. Dimple are in fact genetic defects, as
muscles grow incorrectly and leave a
gap between them

15. Giving birth is the second most painful
thing a human can experience, the first
is being Burned alive. Respect Women

Improving your knowledge daily with interesting facts, stories and things that make you think, Heaps of interesting fun facts and figures to keep you entertained.

Image by StockSnap from Pixabay Video by andrej567 from Pixabay Video by CESAR AUGUSTO RAMIREZ VALLEJO from Pixabay Video by Thanapat Pirmphol from Pixabay Video by Vimeo-Free-Videos from Pixabay Video by Nicolas Boulard from Pixabay Video by Krzysztof Jaracz from Pixabay Video by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay Video by albsworks from Pixabay Video by Tatiana Albino from Pixabay Video by klimkin from Pixabay

#didyouknow #justfacts #Episode05 #InterestingFacts

Translated titles:
¿Sabías? El | # E01 | 15 hechos interesantes que quizás no conozcas

Wusstest du? | # E01 | 15 Interessante Fakten Sie wissen es vielleicht nicht

Le saviez-vous? | # E01 | 15 faits intéressants que vous ne savez peut-être pas

Você sabia? | # E01 15 fatos interessantes que você talvez não saiba

क्या तुम्हें पता था? | # E01 | 15 रोचक तथ्य जो

هل كنت تعلم؟ | # E01 | 15 حقائق مثيرة للاهتمام قد لا تعرفها

你知道嗎? | #E01 |您可能不知道的15個有趣事實

Lo sapevate? | # E01 | 15 fatti interessanti che potresti non sapere

Adakah kamu tahu? | # E01 | 15 Fakta Menarik Anda mungkin tidak tahu

Czy wiedziałeś? | # E01 | 15 Interesujących faktów Możesz nie wiedzieć

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