《秦.兵馬俑》幻想曲 “The Terra Cotta Warriors” Fantasia|彭修文 曲|指揮/劉江濱
Hsinchu City Youth Chinese Orchestra (HCYCO) Hsinchu City Youth Chinese Orchestra (HCYCO)
14.9K subscribers

 Published On Premiered Jan 26, 2023

場次|名家名曲 — 2022竹塹國樂節

1974 年秦陵出土之兵馬俑群,震驚中外。從公元前 230 年至 221 年僅 10 年時間,秦皇嬴政滅韓、趙、魏、楚、燕、齊六國。秦始皇統一天下,開中國之始;然秦王朝暴政專橫,人民不堪忍受,終於在 13 年內覆滅了。這首樂曲並非寫兵馬俑,而是寫秦代士兵長年行役,離別故土之苦和他們的妻兒父母盼望親人歸家之情,所以標題為幻想曲。全曲共分三段:

I. 軍整肅,封禪遨遊幾時休

II. 春閨夢,征人思婦相思苦

III. 大纛懸,關山萬裏共雪寒

00:00 進場 Entry
00:26 I. 軍整肅,封禪遨遊幾時休 Discipline is Strict in the Army: When Will the Emperor Get Tired of Traveling and Offering
07:35 II. 春閨夢,征人思婦相思苦 Spring Dreams: Soldiers Missing Their Wives
17:09 III. 大纛懸,關山萬裏共雪寒 A Ten Thousand Mile March across Snowy Mountains

“The Terra Cotta Warriors” Fantasia
Composer|Peng Xiu-Wen
Conductor|Liu Chiang-Pin
Concert|Virtuosos and Classics — 2022 Hsinchu Chinese Music Festival
Venue|Hsinchu Performing Arts Center, Taiwan

The excavation of the tomb of the First Emperor of Qin and the terra cotta warriors roused the world to attention. In the history of China, the First Emperor, in the span of ten years, between 230 and 221 BC, conquered the six dukedoms of Han, Zhao, Wei, Chu, Yan and Qi to form a unified China. However, the people were unable to bear his tyrannical rule and the Qin dynasty lasted only 13 years. This is not a piece about the terra cotta warriors, despite its title. It is meant to depict Qin soldiers who suffered immensely from the fact that they were on combat assignments year after year. They were always away from their homeland, and they missed parents, wives and children who longed for their return. Hence the “Fantasia” form. The work is in three movements:

I. Discipline is Strict in the Army: When Will the Emperor Get Tired of Traveling and Offering Sacrifices on Various Sacred Mountains?
The music begins quietly to describe the army in progress at dawn. Military horns are vaguely heard. The sound is heard from afar but is getting nearer and nearer, bringing out the theme of an ancient army advancing. The second theme in this movement is an expression of the soldiers' distress. The movement ends with a fanfare on both the wind instruments and the drums which signify the appearance of the Emperor and his entourage. Then the gongs and cymbals are sounded to stop the advance and to indicate that tents are to be pitched.

II. Spring Dreams: Soldiers Missing Their Wives
In the second movement, the music begins with depiction of the quiet of the night and the sound of wood blocks, which represents guards doing their rounds. In this quiet the weeping songs of soldiers are heard. It is the sound of men missing their homeland and very soon other soldiers are affected and induced to song. This brings up a chorus which gradually leads the men to a dream. The wood blocks are also meant to represent wives pounding garments when they are doing the laundry for their husbands. Here a haunting melody is heard on the zheng but, as the soldiers dream about being together with their families, the sound of a gong rudely breaks their dreams.

III. A Ten Thousand Mile March across Snowy Mountains
This features a reappearance of the theme of the first movement. The mood and the configuration of instruments, however, are all changed. The army is still in progress and the Emperor’s procession is as before. But a cold wind has risen and the sky becomes dark and cloudy. Snow begins to fall. At this time the music becomes somber and the military theme now appears in the tragically heroic horns. The whole work ends in heightened emotions.

Translation Source: Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra


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