《梁山伯與祝英台》二胡協奏曲 “Butterfly Lovers” Erhu Concerto|二胡/孫凰|指揮/閻惠昌
Hsinchu City Youth Chinese Orchestra (HCYCO) Hsinchu City Youth Chinese Orchestra (HCYCO)
15K subscribers

 Published On Premiered Feb 11, 2024



I. 呈示部:秀美如畫的引子之後,二胡奏出詩意般的愛情主題。緊接著的不同樂器的對答和活潑的中段,分別描述梁祝草橋結拜和同窗三載嬉戲遊玩的情景。最後的慢板是長亭惜別。

II. 展開部:以二胡與樂隊的兩個相互對抗的主題,表現祝英台反抗其父的威逼。淒婉動人的慢板對答奏出梁祝樓台相會的感人場面。隨即旋律急轉直下,以激越的京劇導板和越劇囂板,表現祝英台在梁山伯墳前的慟哭。

III. 再現部:雨過天晴,梁祝二人化成了美麗的蝴蝶,雙雙在天上自由飛舞……。


“Butterfly Lovers” Erhu Concerto
Composer|He Zhan-Hao / Chen Gang
Erhu|Sun Huang
Conductor|Yan Hui-Chang
Concert|2013 Hsinchu Chinese Music Festival - Butterfly Lovers
Venue|Hsinchu Performing Arts Center, Taiwan

Based on the ancient Chinese folk tale of The Butterfly Lovers, this music is adapted from tunes of “Yue Opera” in Zhejiang Province. The three main sections of the original folk tale tell of the making of sworn brothers at Cao Qiao, Zhu Ying Tai’s refusal of an arranged marriage, and the reincarnation of lovers as butterflies by their graves. These three sections are presented in the sonata form – exposition, development, and recapitulation of the concerto.

The exposition depicts a scene of sunshine and gentle breeze, with the Erhu entering on a simple and beautiful love theme. An exchange between different instruments represents the friendship between Liang Shan Bo and the male-impersonating Zhu Ying Tai, who eventually become sworn brothers at “Cao Qiao”. A subsequent lively Allegro depicts the three happy years of the “brothers” studying together, while a Lento section shows their reluctant parting at a pavilion.

In the development section of the work, the orchestra and Erhu play oppositional themes to express Zhu Ying Tai’s bitterness and her strong sentiments in defying a marriage arranged by her father. A Lento passage depicts the meeting between the lovers. Thereafter, the mood of the music changes abruptly. A scintillating passage inspired by “daoban” rhythms from Beijing opera and “xiaoban” from Yue opera, illustrating Zhu Ying Tai’s sad disposition at Liang Shan Bo’s grave.

All ends well when the lovers are eventually reincarnated as a pair of butterflies. Together, they flutter into the sky with newfound freedom while the original love theme on the Erhu reappears, paying tribute to their everlasting love.

Translation Source: Singapore Chinese Orchestra


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