【广州漫步粤菜美食】江门老城区骑楼街 |三十三街墟 |新侨都酒店|喜茶始创店|五邑大学|canton food tour|Walk in GuangZhou [粤语中文字幕] [subtitle]
Hunting Archer Hunting Archer
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 Published On Mar 12, 2022

#江门 #三十三墟 #新侨都酒店
Google map:https://goo.gl/maps/qGsbHu69qtz27eXj9
江门历史悠久,文化底蕴深厚,是广府文化的代表城市之一 ,江门是重要的广府人聚居地之一,是明代心学奠基者陈白沙、近代维新先驱梁启超、中国航空之父冯如故里;拥有世界文化遗产开平碉楼与村落,让大文豪巴金先生为之陶醉的小鸟天堂。祖籍江门的华人华侨和港澳台同胞人口众多、分布全球五大洲,有“中国第一侨乡”的美誉,著名的“中国侨都”。是粤港澳大湾区的重要节点城市,区位优势突出,开发腹地广阔
江门,其地名最早见于明初《秫坡集》第五卷,由黎贞代朱二尹作的《江门送别图》序文上。 元明时期。元至正后期至明洪武初年(约1360~1370年),在肄水(西江)出口江门海西岸地域形成商贸墟集,称江门墟
江门是重要的广府人聚集地之一, 是广府文化的代表城市之一。 江门市下辖的新会区、 江海区、 蓬江区、台山市、 开平市、 恩平市、鹤山市等县级市和区都具有深厚的广府文化。
新会是广府地区的历史文化名城。 台山是广府人出洋第一港,是广府文化发祥地之一,台山拥有着悠久的广府文化传统。 开平的历史文化与广府文化同宗同源,是广府文化的重要组成部分,同时,开平作为最著名的侨乡,有众多的华侨华人从这里走出国门,成为广府文化海外传播的重要力量。 恩平是广府人聚居地,拥有悠久的广府文化。鹤山位于珠江三角洲,原居民大都属于广府民系,拥有深厚的广府文化。
Jiangmen, also known as "Wuyi", is a prefecture-level city under the jurisdiction of Guangdong Province. The landform is characterized by low north and high west, and is a subtropical monsoon climate. It is an important node city in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area
Jiangmen has a long history and profound cultural heritage. It is one of the representative cities of Cantonese culture. Jiangmen is one of the important settlements of Cantonese people. Hometown; a bird's paradise with world cultural heritage Kaiping watchtowers and villages, which made the great writer Mr. Ba Jin intoxicated. The overseas Chinese and compatriots from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan with their ancestral home in Jiangmen have a large population and are distributed on five continents around the world. It is an important node city in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, with outstanding geographical advantages and a vast development hinterland.
Jiangmen, its place name was first seen in the fifth volume of "Yangpo Ji" in the early Ming Dynasty, on the preface of "Jiangmen Farewell Map" written by Zhu Eryin of Li Zhendai. Yuan and Ming Dynasties. From the late period of the Yuan Dynasty to the early Hongwu year of the Ming Dynasty (about 1360-1370), a trade market set was formed in the area on the west bank of Jiangmen Sea, which was exported from the water (Xijiang), which is called Jiangmen Ruins.
During the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty, it was under the jurisdiction of Guide Capital, Longxi Township, Xinhui County.
Qing Dynasty. Qing along the Ming system. During the Kangxi period, Jiangmen Ruins were still under the jurisdiction of the fifteenth map of Guide Capital in Longxi Township, Xinhui County.
In the 23rd year of Guangxu (1897), according to the "Sino-British Xijiang Trade Treaty", it was designated as a berthing and cargo loading and unloading station for foreign ships. In the 28th year of Guangxu (1902), the "Sino-British Continued Treaty on Commerce and Shipping" agreed that Jiangmen was a foreign trade port and a customs was established. It was called Jiangmen Port
Jiangmen is one of the important gathering places for Cantonese people and one of the representative cities of Cantonese culture. Xinhui District, Jianghai District, Pengjiang District, Taishan City, Kaiping City, Enping City, Heshan City and other county-level cities and districts under the jurisdiction of Jiangmen City have profound Cantonese culture.
Xinhui is a famous historical and cultural city in Cantonese area. Taishan is the first port for Cantonese people to go abroad and one of the birthplaces of Cantonese culture. Taishan has a long tradition of Cantonese culture. The history and culture of Kaiping and Cantonese culture have the same origin and origin, and are an important part of Cantonese culture. At the same time, Kaiping, as the most famous hometown of overseas Chinese, has many overseas Chinese who have gone abroad from here, becoming an important force for the overseas spread of Cantonese culture. . Enping is a settlement of Cantonese people and has a long Cantonese culture. Heshan is located in the Pearl River Delta. Most of the original residents belong to the Cantonese family and have profound Cantonese culture.


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Lobe - The Mini Vandals
00:00 Intro
00:16 牛伯伯小食店/猪肉肠粉
04:01 五邑大学
05:32 三十三墟街
15:12 基督教江门堂
16:07 侨都大酒店
18:32 喜茶创始店
21:06 Ending

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