The Amber Heard of Video Games, AFK Journey Review
Big Rat Hole Big Rat Hole
14K subscribers

 Published On Apr 28, 2024

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Afk Journey is like Amber Heard. It looks expensive, it IS expensive, and it has weird voice acting.

AFK is my favourite way to keep my phone from getting bored while riding the bus. it's is aesthetically gorgeous and a visual reminder that yes, all those artists on Tumblr in 2012 have full time jobs now and they're freakin killin' it.

AFK classically means away from keyboard and It denotes the genre this game is solidly in. The Journey part of the title is what you will be doing to the cash shop for the battle pass.

This product is like a suppository. Every corner has been rounded and any part that would offer any sort of friction for my brain anus to gain traction on has been thoroughly lubed.

This is both great and sucky. It's polished out of existence some of the spider fucking busy work this genre can sometimes do. Gear can be auto equipped by class and I never once looked at any of it. It's none of my business. Also your entire harem matches the level of your top five characters, giving you the flexibility to change your party composition at any time without getting punished for it.

All of this takes just enough clicks to make you feel busy and important. A lot like clicking the refresh inbox button at work and getting no new emails. In fact frantically scrolling art station for hot maidens and occasionally deleting a shortcut off your desktop will give you about the same rush as playing this game.

But that’s sort of this products biggest strength. It’s for idly turning on, doing a few dailies and then ditching. The person who wants to play this doen’t want to get bogged down. At the end of the day, don’t we all just wanna grind a little on the bus.

There are a few engaging game modes like a PvP arena which is a venue for whales to supplex you and a roguelikey type mode where you build a team from scratch and go as far as you can with them against other players before you get a loss which tests your knowledge of team building. It's actually pretty good. but these feel more like diversions than a primary occupation.

AFK makes floppy wrist gestures toward the MMO genre with an overworld where you can see other players bumming around talking shit in town. This is pretty cool and if I was still a baby rat I'd definitely have harassed people here.
Unfortunately autoroutting to Quest objectives and even treasure chests flattens that experience to the point the world is little more than another pretty screensaver with the occasional attempt at a world puzzle.

You can enable double speed battles and allow units to pop their own ults, removing even the shallowest form of engagement. After a while it informed me I could enable auto battles for the main grindathon which I thought I was already doing. In practicality this meant it would automatically press the button for the next endless fight, giving me the luxury to truly live up to the game's title.

Now I know that this is an entire genre of game and that it has it's place and it's incredibly popular for a reason. but wherever that place is, it's not in the same postcode as me. And this isn't AFK's fault, it's mine, I'm the problem. I'm just mad because this is game is so beautiful

The biggest idle Gacha games more often than not live and die on how good they look, because thats going to be what you're doing most, looking. Depending on what the driving money force of your game is, is going to change what your art department is sweating over most. For example if Pokemon Go made the majority of its money from cosmetics and not incubators and raid passes then they definitely wouldn't have pushed an update that makes my character stand like a Neanderthal.

But If they followed my advice and made a more hands on experience instead of billions of dollars they could be making millions of dollars almost immediately.

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