Getting people in bed together, the video game
Big Rat Hole Big Rat Hole
14K subscribers

 Published On Feb 7, 2024

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Skate 3 clip:
   • Skate 3 Funny Stuff Compilation #1  


Fit In Bed answers the question what does a threesome look like between a group of people all experiencing sleep paralysis demons at the same time

Fit in Bed is a game made in 48 hours for the 54th Ludum dare game jam. It came third overall and first for humour and it isn't hard to see why. This game was engineered to be an overly excitable content creators "I can't believe this is real, My face is in constant shock" material. Or in the case of this rat, a somber glimpse into the power of physical comedy, and why it not only makes us more conscious of the human experience but how it brings us closer together.

Gameplay is simple. You start with a bunch of people standing around ready to get snuggling. People standing metres away from each other, legs spread sumo style should be familiar to us all, so no further explanation required there.

The other half of the recipe is a random assortment of objects which you then need to get your sleepy Bois onto by click and dragging them. The controls are goofy and everythings awkward but that's completely the point. This isn't about gently dropping a loved one in bed. This is about pinwheeling a dickhead around and around so centrifugal force makes their legs clear the table.

When videogames introduced ragdolling they incorporated and subsequently perfected physical humour, putting videogames squarely on par with the cutting edge of cinema… in the 1930s.

I like to think that it started with the intellectually disabled dinosaurs in Jurassic Park Trespasser and was perfected by Oblivion when Bethesda gave rats the consistency of pudding. And then later Tony Hawk games took it to the grave while wishing it was half the man Skate was.

Anyway, back to Fit In Bed. Complexity is added with secondary objectives such as certain characters needing to hold hands and others not looking at each other. This also comprises the scraps of contextually scried storytelling, alongside random text bubbles from the characters.

Despite the game being about getting limp pliant bodies into bed the only real crime is that it's so dang short. You could probably beat it in the time it takes to watch this video. In fact I know you could. I did a gameplay capture which barely clocked 4 minutes.

I think you could have a lot of fun fluffing out the game to have levels that are direct references to stuff if you wanted to crank the meme factor. For example flopping the Witcher and his broad onto a stuffed unicorn. Or half a dozen German generals onto a single gallow.

You could get a potentially infinite procedurally generated chillout game out of this if you wanted. But I’m not here to splurg my unasked for game design doc onto what’s supposed to be a review.

It’s fun but I do hope they make a full version now that they don’t have a deadline hanging over them.

If you take away anything from this vid it’s that A. ragdoll physics are the cornerstone of gaming comedy, alongside sudden and ignoble deaths, and B. Check out more Game Jam games. Ludum Dares latest is packed with awesome shit. Honestly I should have reviewed Windowkill. Here’s my one line review for that:

Windowkill is Geometry Wars for Pervs. It’s so intense it almost gave me diarrhoea. I only say almost because I’m not ready to be that honest with you.

Anyway I’m out, See you next week or whatever.

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