Why Does My Right Side Hurt? Top 9 Shocking Reasons!
Dr. Constantine Dr. Constantine
48.6K subscribers

 Published On May 8, 2024

Gastric Distress: This is the most common cause of right-sided stomach pain, typically resulting from gas, bloating, and indigestion due to dietary habits like eating large meals quickly or consuming high-fiber foods.
Muscle Strain: Often related to physical activities or improper movements, muscle strain can cause pain that intensifies with movement or touch and is usually relieved by rest.
Gallstones: Gallstones cause pain by blocking the bile duct, especially after fatty meals, and are a significant cause of upper right abdominal pain. Treatments include medication to dissolve cholesterol-based stones or surgical options like cholecystectomy.
Kidney Stones: More common in men and associated with high protein and salt diets, kidney stones cause severe pain that can radiate from the side or back to the lower abdomen and groin. Treatment options include pain relief and procedures like shock wave lithotripsy.
Appendicitis: A medical emergency that typically starts with pain around the navel that shifts to the right side, often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and fever. Surgical intervention is frequently necessary.
Food Intolerance: This can lead to abdominal pain and bloating after consuming certain foods, such as dairy or fruits, due to the body's inability to digest these foods effectively.
Ovulation Pain: Occurs mid-cycle and can cause pain on the side of the ovary that releases an egg. This pain can be severe or dull and usually resolves without treatment.
Liver Inflammation: Pain due to liver inflammation is often dull and persistent, worsening with movement or deep breathing, and is usually accompanied by other symptoms like jaundice.
Ovarian Cysts: For women, ruptured ovarian cysts can cause sudden and severe right-sided abdominal pain. Surgical intervention may be necessary if there is a risk of internal bleeding or infection.
Diagnostic Methods: Important methods for diagnosing right-sided abdominal pain include Rovsing's sign, ultrasound, and CT scans, which help in identifying the specific causes of the pain.


This information is provided for general knowledge and educational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult with your doctor for any questions or concerns you may have about your health.

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