"Himno de Burgos" — Anthem of the city and province of Burgos (Spain)
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 Published On Jun 1, 2024

The “Himno a Burgos”, with lyrics by Marciano Zurita and music by Rafael Calleja Gómez, was composed in the 1920s and sung for the first time in 1926.
The original score by Rafael Calleja Gómez was donated by his widow and children to the Burgos City Council in 1939, and since then it has been kept in the Judges' Chamber of the City Hall. In October 2004 it was transferred to the Municipal Archives, where it was restored and is kept today.
There are several recordings of the song, among which those by Orfeón Burgalés stand out, lead on both occasions by Ángel Juan Quesada and by Salvador Vega.

That of Burgos happens to be one of the longest anthems of its genre: about five minutes. Apparently, it originally had more stanzas, which were deleted at some point in the past. The first time it was heard in the city was on June 28, 1926. Maestro Calleja himself directed the military bands of San Marcial and Ingenieros and the choir of 200 children who performed it.
Today, nearly a century later, it is possible to hear it punctually every night at 10:00 p.m., in one of the bars next to the cathedral, in an event that we could define as one of national pride and a touristic appeal alike.


Cantemos unidos la insigne grandeza
de nuestra Castilla, de nuestro solar,
sus piedras sagradas que son fortaleza
y escuela y alcázar y trono y altar.

Cantemos a Burgos, tesoro bendito
que España venera con honda emoción,
robusto poema tallado en granito
cual timbre glorioso de nuestro blasón.

Aprendamos todos juntos, a cantar a nuestra tierra,
a leer en su pasado, y a labrar su porvenir,
a ofrendarle los cariños, que ardorosa el alma encierra
y a dejar bien cimentado, su potente resurgir. (bis)

Tierra sagrada donde yo nací,
suelo bendito donde moriré,
yo te prometo consagrarme a ti
y dedicarte mis cariños
mis cariños más fervientes,
mis cariños y mi fe. (bis verse, bis stanza)

¡Salve, tierra sagrada de mis amores!
¡Salve, cuna adorada de mis mayores!
¡Salve! ¡Salve! ¡Salve!

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