Fallout 76: outdated Predictions - Perks and S.P.E.C.I.A.L. - the Balance of Power
slippingsnake slippingsnake
1K subscribers

 Published On Aug 5, 2018

At Quakcom 2018 Bethesda revealed new Information about Fallout 76 and so this video becomes outdated. Also some of my conclusion seems to be true the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. system changed so much that I'm working on a new video wich will be uploaded soon.

For Fallout 76 the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. system changed again and some Fallout veterans may not like this because it becomes more mainstreamed.
Due to the staments of Bethesda personal we expect that Fallout 76 uses Fallout 4 mechanics but the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. system in Fallout 76 now has interchangable perk cards.
The balancing and refining of this system will partily be done during the B.E.T.A.
Bethesda can control this system in different ways and the most important are the following:
a) by the numbers of S.P.E.C.I.A.L. points a player starts with
b) setting the maximum numbers of levels, also known as level cap, and thus the number of S.P.E.C.I.A.L. points a player can have
c) setting requirements for perks
d) redesigning the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attributes and their associated line of perks.

On the other hand Bethesda needs to keep the System simple to use and also prevent teams from becoming overpower and this can be achieved by some specifications:
1) the complete set of perk cards is not equal but similar to the perk chart of Fallout 4; Imagine the perk poster was cut into pieces and converted into cards.
2) the Special system can be reset, each attribute will keep 1 Point as minimum while free points can either be used to raise attributes or to choose perk cards.
We don't know yet if there will be limitations on how often or when the player can reset his character's statistics.
3)Every player can view a full set of perk cards but he needs to fullfill the requirements to choose one.
4) empty slots have no role other then to show that a perk card can be choosen and slots have no properties on their own.
When 1 or multiple cards are placed in a slot they become active perks.
5) The key to share higher rank perk cards is charisma: each point in charisma allows the player to share perks that are on this level or lower.
6) any chosen/ active perk card is eligible for team sharing but the teamates must fullfill the requirements to benefit from shared perks.
In other words they have to qualify for a shared perk as if they have chosen the perk themself.
Otherwise teammates would focus on Charisma and one other Attribute like Strength, Agility or Luck, choose high tier perk cards to share with all members and by doing so effectively bypassing any restrictions and creating an overpower team.
Let's take a fictional team and the perk Blitz, rank 2, as an example: all teammembers are level 29.
Player 1 needs 9 Agility to choose Blitz and 9 Charisma to share the Perk card with his mates.
But his companions only have 5 Agility, don't meet the requirement and can't activate Blitz rank 2 until they respec their Characters and give up some other perks.
But if player 1 chooses rank 4 of gunslinger all his teammates meet the requirements and benefit from this perk.
If the requirements allow his teammates now to choose the perks commando, rifleman and demolition expert every member becomes more versatile while a soloplayer has to stick to his preferences and improve them.
Depending on the requirements for the perks a teamplayer can be good in multiple fields while a soloplayer might exceed them in a specific skill, maybe in form of a sniper build.
7) shared perks don't stack, otherwise a team with 4 players who have the "rank 3 concentrated fire" would gain plus 80% damage on every VATS attack- and that is for each player which would look like this:
1st attack does 100% damage, 2nd 180%, 3rd attack 260%, 4th attack 340% damage and so on.
So stacking perks between team members would blow things out of proportion and Bethesda wouldn't go there unless they plan to have teams of gunzerking players murdering everything in a very fast fashion.
This is not only true for combat oriented perks but also for perks that influence the yield of scavanging, hunting or farming and for other perks, like armourer or gunsmith, stacking would make little sense.

To sum it up: it should be not possible to circumvent perk requirements and there should be no team stacking for all perks to keep the balance.

On the other hand Bethesda can support solo play by adding more perks like lone Wanderer that are only active when the player is not in a team.

This all might sound confusing but with the possibility to reset the Character's statistic Bethesda gives the player more freedom of choice and this has also been a core value and one of the most appealing features for Fallout games since the beginning.

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