VIS Spring 2024 Project-Based Learning Exhibition
VIS Radio VIS Radio
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 Published On May 29, 2024

We are thrilled to invite you to our Spring 2024 Project-Based Learning (PBL) Exhibition. On June 1, students of VIS@betterworld Lab Experimental Education will showcase their semester-long learning journey.

At the junior high, VIS students continued to explore the driving question, "How does the past shape boundaries between lives?" Following up on project proposals from last semester, students further examined how events in the past shaped symbolic and social boundaries in the present. By looking at food cultures, different educational systems, human and animal relationships, and the social boundaries at our Minzu campus, they designed a number of projects to share what they’ve learned. They’ve been busy this term writing cook books, drawing comics, making movies, and surveying students on our Minzu campus. During the exhibition, you’ll see our students’ growth at fun, interactive exhibits where they will share the skills and content they’ve mastered this semester.

Meanwhile, our seniors continued their focus on the question: “'Whose life is more valuable?” They examined this question through various disciplinary lenses including ethics, geography, graphic design, media, and technological design. They've explored approaches that advocate for a society built on equality to ensure that we are respecting our planet and not undermining the values of others. Get ready to explore thought-provoking research, creative solutions, and student perspectives that question the hidden hierarchies in our institutions and mindsets.

This exhibition manifests our commitment to an inclusive learning environment that transcends academics. Our students have honed critical thinking, empathy, and real-world skills to emerge as socially conscious problem-solvers and global citizens.

We were honoured this year to experience our students' transformative journeys, and we are excited to see them take their learning to an authentic audience. Whether you’re a regular at our events or joining for the first time, VIS students are eagerly anticipating the opportunity to share their work and receive your invaluable insights as they continue to push the boundaries of their education!

Saturday, June 1, 2024 10:00-17:00
Huashan 1914 Creative Park M4


誠摯邀請您參加VIS國際實驗教育於6月1日(週六)舉辦的2024年春季PBL(Project Based Learning) 專案學習期末成果展。

本次PBL成果展中,VIS國中部學生持續探索著『過去如何塑造不同生命之間的界線?』這個核心問題。 延續上學期的專題,學生們進一步研究過去事件如何塑造當下的象徵性和社會性界限。透過探討飲食文化、不同的教育體系、人與動物間的關係,以及在國中部(位於民族實中)校園內的社會界限,學生們設計了許多專案來展現所學到的知識。這學期,國中部學生們忙於撰寫食譜、繪製漫畫、拍攝電影,並在民族實中校園內對其學生進行調查。在展覽期間,您將會看到國中部學生在有趣、互動的展示中成長,並分享他們這學期所掌握的技能和內容。




時間:2024年6月1日 星期六 上午10:00-下午5:00
地點:華山1914文創園區 中4B

臺北市VIS國際實驗教育 敬邀

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