《连鸡胸肉都贼好吃!》今晚烤鸡,大吉大利!原来烤全鸡要这样烤啊!表皮金黄诱人!肉质软嫩多汁!香味十足吃不腻!Roast whole chicken with vegetable! Juicy!
晶晶有味Auntykimhomecook 晶晶有味Auntykimhomecook
950 subscribers

 Published On Dec 30, 2022

今晚烤鸡 | Tonight Roast Chicken

Tbsp=Tablespoon (汤匙)
Tsp=Teaspoon (茶匙)

材料 Ingredients
一只鸡1.8公克 - Whole Chicken 1.8kg
(腌制酱 Marinate Sauce)
40克酱油 - 40g Soy Sauce
20克蚝油 - 20g Oyster Sauce
20克糖 - 20g Sugar
5克生芫茜 - 5g Coriander
4克白胡椒 - 4g White Pepper
2克迷迭香 - 2g Rosemary
9克蒜粉 - 9g Garlic Powder
12克盐巴 - 12g Salt
10克食油 - 10g Cooking Oil

50克蜂蜜 - 50g Honey
40克融化牛油 - 40g Melted Butter

4粒马铃薯 - 4pcs Potatoes
1条玉米 - 1pc Corn
1颗西兰花 - 1pc Broccoli
1条胡萝卜 - 1pc Carrot
1粒红灯笼椒 - 1pc Red Capsicum
16粒小番茄 - 16pcs Cherry tomatoes
10条扁豆 - 10pcs Lentils
1茶匙盐焗粉 - 1tsp Salt-bake Powder
1茶匙蒜粉 - 1tsp Garlic Powder
胡椒粉 - Pepper
1汤匙食油 - 1tbsp Cooking oil

01.将整只鸡里外清洗干净, 用纸吸干水份
Clean the whole chicken, dry the skin with kitchen towel
02.调制腌鸡料, 均匀涂抹整只鸡
Make marination sauce, spread evenly on the whole chicken
03.把鸡装袋, 放冰箱腌制一个晚上
Put chicken into plastic bag and chill for 1 night
Cut potatoes and fry until slightly golden
05.预热烤箱220℃, 苹果切成4块塞鸡肚里
Preheat oven to 220℃, cut apple into 4 and put inside chicken
06.用竹签把鸡封起来, 草绳绑鸡腿定形
Seal the chicken with bamboo stick, Tie the drumstick with rope
07.烤鸡分4次烤25分钟, 然后调蜂蜜牛油酱
Bake the chicken 4 time 25mins each, make honey-butter sauce
08.将玉米, 西兰花, 萝卜汆烫调味捞匀
Boil corn, broccoli and carrot, then apply seasoning
09.第1次烤好后刷蜂蜜酱, 鸡翻面烤第2次
First bake done, brush honey-butter sauce,
flip over the chicken and bake for 2nd time
10.红灯笼椒, 扁豆, 小番茄加入食油捞匀
Pour some oil on red capsicum, lentils and
cherry tomatoes and mix them
11.将蔬菜放新烤盘上, 烤鸡翻面刷蜂蜜酱和菜一起烤第3次
Put veges on new tray, flip over the chicken and put on top of veges,
brush honey-butter sauce and bake for 3rd time (dont put broccoli)
12. 25分钟后, 烤鸡刷酱, 鸡腿 & 鸡翅膀包上锡纸避免烤焦,
After 25mins, brush sauce again, drumstick &
chicken wing wrap aluminum foil, add broccoli and bake for 4th time
13.第4次25分钟后, 烤鸡就可以出炉了
When the timer rings, roast chicken is beautifully done

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