Diving at Manta point. Plongée à Manta point, près de Nusa Penida.
Bernard Marchal Bernard Marchal
4.22K subscribers

 Published On Jan 22, 2023

"Manta Point", not far from the south-west coast of Nusa Penida, is the best known site for divers wishing to observe manta rays.

But the navigation conditions are sometimes very dangerous during rainy season; the currents are powerful and often the boatmen have to give up braving the high waves to get there. When the site is accessible, it is a pleasure to dive near these majestic angels. Here are some pictures from the dive.
Manta rays are very large cartilaginous fish. They have a large head, a disc-shaped body with triangular pectoral fins, with horn-like cephalic fins. They have a wingspan of 5 to 7 m depending on the species and often weigh more than a ton. They live in subtropical and tropical waters. They are found in all the oceans and it is Indonesia which today constitutes the largest sanctuary in the world for these large fish. They were once hunted for the consumption of their flesh and for the therapeutic virtues appreciated by Chinese medicine. The species being threatened, manta rays have been strictly protected since 2011. They are safe for divers and get used to their presence.

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