Gideon Scheepers [1981 Afrikaans Film]
Patriots-Rebel TV Patriots-Rebel TV
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 Published On Oct 16, 2015

This film examines the controversial life of Commandant Gideon Scheepers (1878 - 1902), a Boer War military leader. Captured by British forces in 1901, Commandant Scheepers would be hauled in front of a military tribunal which refused to acknowledge his rank and found him guilty of various war crimes based on dubious witness accounts. Based on the suspicious testimony Scheepers was sentenced to death and on 18 January 1902 was blindfolded, tied to a chair, and shot by a British firing squad. The British would go on to bury him in an unmarked grave, largely out of fears that the Boer republican forces would turn him into a hero, and his grave a site of pilgrimage. His parents, Johannes and Sophia Scheepers, would search for their son’s grave till they themselves died and were buried (Johannes in 1934 and Sophia in 1956).

Hierdie film ondersoek die omstrede lewe van Kommandant Gideon Scheepers (1878 - 1902), 'n Boere-oorlog militêre leier. Kommandant Scheepers was deur Britse magte in 1901 gevang en voor 'n militêre tribunaal gesleep wat sy rang misken het en hom verder aan verskeie oorlogsmisdade skuldig bevind het – grootliks as gevolg van twyfelagtige getuienis. Gebaseer op die verdagte getuienis is Scheepers tot die dood gevonnis en op 18 Januarie 1902 is hy geblinddoek, vasgebind aan 'n stoel, en geskiet deur 'n Britse vuurpeloton. Die Britte het hom in 'n ongemerkte graf begrawe, grootliks uit vrees dat die Boere hom 'n held sou maak – en sy graf 'n plek van pelgrimstog. Sy ouers, Johannes en Sophia Scheepers, sou na hul seun se graf soek totdat hulle hulself dood en begrawe is (Johannes in 1934 en Sophia in 1956).

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