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김치쌤 이하연 김치쌤 이하연
114K subscribers

 Published On Sep 23, 2020

봉우리김치 홈페이지

[email protected]

버섯 떡 잡채 Japchae
당면 150g Cellophane noodle
떡 200g rice cake
쇠고기 400g (우둔살) beef
배 100g pear
양파 100g onion
표고버섯 50g shiitake
애호박 200g young squash
당근 100g carrot
목이버섯 50g tree ear
느타리 버섯 100g oyster mushroom
배즙  2T pear juice
다진파 2T crushed green onion
설탕  2T organic sugar
진간장  3T dark soy sauce
깨소금  1T sesame salt
생강즙  1T ginger juice
다진마늘  1T crushed garlic 
집간장  1T soy sauce
참기름  1T sesame oil
참기름 sesame oil
식용유  edible oil
집간장 soy sauce
소금. salt
깨소금 sesame salt
1. 준비된 분량의 양념 재료를 섞어 양념장을 만든다.
1. Mix prepared ingredients for the sauce to make the sauce.

2. 소고기는 적당한 크기로 채 썰고 양념장으로 밑간을 한다.
2. Slice beef into appropriate sizes and season with seasoning sauce.

3. 양파와 당근, 애호박, 배, 표고버섯은 손질 후 채 썰고 배는 설탕에 재워둔다.
3. Slice onions, carrots, zucchinis, pears, shiitake mushrooms long and marinate pears in sugar.

4. 느타리 버섯은 끓는 물에 데치고, 목이버섯은 물에 불려 준비한다.
4. Blanch oyster mushroom in boiling water, and prepare tree ear mushrooms in water.

5. 배를 제외한 준비된 재료들을  양념장 또는 소금으로 각각 간을 해 볶아준다.
5. Season each prepared ingredient except for pears with seasoning sauce or salt and stir-fry them.

6. 당면은 미지근한 물에 불려 식용유와 간장을 넣고 삶아 채에 건진다.
6. Soak the Cellophane noodle in lukewarm water, add cooking oil and soy sauce, boil it, and drain the water.

7. 준비된 재료들을 볼에 모두 넣고 양념장으로 간을하며 버무린다.
7. Put all the ingredients in a bowl and season with the sauce.

8. 깨소금과 참기름 설탕은 취향대로 가감한다.
8. Add or subtract sesame salt and sesame oil sugar according to your taste.

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