Who were the Sabines?
Evropantiqva Evropantiqva
43.9K subscribers

 Published On Jan 4, 2021

Probably the Sabellic people par excellence, the Sabines are a lineage with a double nature: they are the rich and sophisticated lords of the Sabina Tiberina, and at the same time the frugal and warlike hillmen of the Inner Sabina, the pious and devoted people who provide Rome with the kings Numa and Ancus Martius, and the bitter enemies who oppose to Roman expansion.

Perhaps born from a migration of the Umbrians, and in turn at the origin of the migrations that generate both the Picenian and Samnite cultures, the Sabines act as a bridge between the Umbro-Sabellic world of Central Italy and the Oscan world of Southern Italy, but they are also one of the three lineages involved in the birth of Rome.

In fact, the Sabines will be the bearers of the Sabellic element during the genesis of the city, which, merging with the Etruscan and Latin ones, will help to create that unique amalgam from which the Romans will emerge.

00:49 - The Origins
06:37 - The Territory
07:33 - Religion
09:15 - The Rape of the Sabine Women
13:32 - The relationship with Rome

on the cover: Background - "The Sabine Women", Jacques-Louis David, 1799 -
First Floor - Deer-Shaped balsamarium, Fara Sabina Museum

Curated by Gioal Canestrelli
Institute of Experimental Archeology "Fianna ap Palug" of Verona

Editing by Angela Ruggero

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