Who were the Lucanians and the Bruttians?
Evropantiqva Evropantiqva
43.9K subscribers

 Published On Feb 15, 2021

The Lucanians and the Bruttians are two Oscan peoples inextricably linked to each other.
Of Samnite lineage, perhaps in the origins belonging to the canton of Hyrpinians, the Lucanians descend from Samnium towards the end of the 6th century BC, progressively affecting various areas of Magna Graecia.

Initially an element integrated into several Magna Graecia poleis with a subordinate function, at the end of the 5th century BC. the Lucanians end up taking power, in particular in Poseidonia, which was renamed with the Oscan name of Paistom, the city known to the Romans as Paestum.

The intense mercenary activity in the pay of the Syracusans between the end of the fifth and the first decades of the fourth century BC caused an upheaval in Lucanian society, leading to the violent emergence of a new element: that of the Bruttians...

01:00 - The origin of the Lucanians
04:30 - The relationship with the Greek world
08:42 - The territory
09:50 - The origin of the Bruttians: the myths
13:03 - The origin of the Bruttiansi: history
16:35 - The Epirote Wars
19:15 - The link with Carthage
On the cover: Background - Detail from a fresco of Capua, IV B.C.
First Floor - Bruttian coinage, III B.C.

Curated by Gioal Canestrelli
Institute of Experimental Archeology "Fianna ap Palug" of Verona

Editing by Angela Ruggero

"I Greci in Occidente. Poseidonia e i Lucani", M. Cipriani, F. Longo (a cura di)

"I Lucani a Paestum", M. Cipriani - E. Greco - F. Longo - A. Pontandrolfo

"Storia e Cultura dei Bretti", P. G. Guzzo

"I Brettii. Storia e archeologia della Calabria preromana" P. G. Guzzo

"Greci e non Greci nel Bruzio preromano. Formule integrative e processi di interazione", G. Genovese

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