14 STRONGEST Materials Known To Man!
Factnomenal Factnomenal
823K subscribers

 Published On Mar 3, 2018

The toughest and hardest things on the planet! From the silk of spiders to a mineral only found after meteorites hit the earth, these are strongest materials ever discovered or created by man!

#14. “Diamond”- This beautiful mineral is valued not only because of its looks but also because its is one of the strongest naturally occurring substances on Earth. On the Mohs scale, which is used to categorize the strength of minerals, diamonds are unsurpassed with a rating of 10. In fact, in order to cut diamonds jewelers must used another diamond. Diamonds also have one of the highest melting points of any material only liquefying when it reaches temperatures over 7300 degrees Fahrenheit. It is also considered the greatest naturally occuring conductor of heat. Because of these amazing qualities diamonds have long been worth almost as much as gold and have been used in construction, mining and medical technology for hundreds of years.

#13. “Kevlar”- You may recognize Kevlar as the material used by militaries all over the world for helmets and body armor and it’s because of its unique combination of being light and ridiculously strong that makes it so effective at protecting soldiers. Kevlar is a type of plastic that is made up of molecules with an incredibly strong structures that are linked together like rings. Once the plastic fibers made of these molecules are weaved together they display a tensile strength that is almost ten times as strong as steel wire. Not only can it resist physical blows it is highly resistant to changes in temperatures. Kevlar has the ability to withstand temperatures as low as -320 degrees Fahrenheit and as high as 850 degrees fahrenheit without being damaged. Kevlar is also commonly used in tires, brakes, musical instruments, shoes, boats, phones and much more!

#12. “Spider’s Silk”- Spider’s silk, more specifically that of the Darwin’s Bark Spider is the second strongest bio-material on Earth. Biomaterials are materials that are naturally produced by a living organism. Though most web-spinning spiders have incredibly strong silk, the Darwin’s Bark spider takes the cake with silk that is 10 times stronger than that of Kevlar. After discovering the unique strength of this spider’s giant webs in 2001, scientists have been constantly studying it in order to unlock its secrets and use them for creating extremely thin materials that can withstand the most formidable of punches. Studying the silk could leak to breakthroughs in the ways that rope, wires and the fabric of body armor are designed.

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