Studier' doch SimTech!
Exzellenzcluster SimTech Exzellenzcluster SimTech
151 subscribers

 Published On Sep 28, 2023

Studier' doch Simulation Technology! Unser Bachelor-Studiengang vereint die Fächer Mathematik, Informatik, Natur- und Ingenieurwissenschaften.

Bei vielen heutigen Fragestellungen können Experimente nicht durchgeführt werden, weil die Anwendungen z. B. zu klein (Moleküle), zu groß (Tsunamis), zu langsam (die Bewegung von Kontinenten), zu schnell (chemische Reaktionen) oder schlicht zu gefährlich (Hirntumore) sind.
Durch Simulation Technology können jedoch mithilfe des Computers diese Fragestellungen sicher, zuverlässig und kostengünstig beantwortet werden. Außerdem kann man in Simulationen einzelne Aspekte immer wieder verändern und dabei jedesmal zu verlässlichen Vorhersagen unter reproduzierbaren Bedingungen kommen.
In unserem Studiengang wird demnach die Grundlage gelegt, die aktuellen Fragestellungen auch in Zukunft zuverlässig beantworten zu können.

Subtitles in English:

What do a weather forecast, a knee prosthesis and a coffee machine have in common? They all contain simulations. The SimTech study programm is a bit like decathlon. You have to be able to do many disciplines. It consists of computer science, natural sciences and engineering. You study in German and can do a Bachelor's or Master's degree at the University of Stuttgart. With simulations, we can answer questions safely and cost-effectively that cannot be answered by experiments. Perhaps they are too dangerous or the time and space scales are too small or too large. Just imagine you have to do an experiment with a tsunami. Not a chance! Many departments at the University of Stuttgart are involved in this course. The umbrella is formed by the Stuttgart Center for Simulation Science. This includes the degree course and the Cluster of Excellence for Data-Integrated Simulation Science. Excellent research is therefore also guaranteed during the course. What is special about SimTech? SimTech is absolutely not an anonymous course. There are small cohorts, a very active specialist group and mentors. You are never alone!
As you can see here, you have numerous specialization options, and these are by no means all of them. You can study according to your individually tailored study plan. You can look forward to exchanges with partners from industry, nice projects and theses and, of course, you can also go abroad during your studies.

The classic question: what can you do with it? Former students are now working in areas such as autonomous driving at Bosch, supporting the expansion of renewable energies at ENBW or working in the development of new materials at Pampers. Yes, it's about diapers! Still have a question? You can find more information here.

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