Йоана - Аз съм твоя Бог | GOSPEL MUSIC |
ArsoFX ArsoFX
147K subscribers

 Published On Nov 19, 2019

Yoana - Az sum tvoya Bog |
Личен канал на Йоана:    / @yoanasashova  
ЦАСД Кюстендил Б:
   / bkiustendil  

Текст: Йоана Сашова
Музика: Йоана Сашова
Вокали: Иван Любенов

Огромни благодарности на всички взели участие за осъществяване на проекта :
Сандрито Даниелов
Кирил Георгиев и Мирослав Маринов

The video is shot with:
Samyang 35mm 1.5T
Focal Reducer Speed Booster m4/3
Zhiyun Crane 2

Edit and color grade with:
Davinci Resolve 16.1

Чуй ме чадо чуй ме ти
защо далече си
за тебе Ме боли
и от Мене бягаш ти
защо далече си
за тебе Ме боли

При мен ела при Мене се върни
при Мен ела и с Мене остани
сълзите виж във Мойте очи
при Мен ела и с Мене остани

Искам да си с Мене
да те нося на ръце
и да бъда твоя Бог
следвай Мойте стъпки
слушай Мойте думи
и бъди Мое дете

Чуй гласа Ми чадо чуй
при Мене ти ела и остави греха
ти си в Моята душа
при Мене ти ела и остави греха

При Мен ела при Мене се върни
при Мен ела и с Мене остани
сълзите виж във Мойте очи
при Мен ела за тебе Ме боли

Искам да си с Мене
аа те нося на ръце
и да бъда твоя Бог
следвай Мойте стъпки
слушай Мойте думи
и бъди Мое дете

Искам да си с Мене
да те нося на ръце
и да бъда твоя Бог
следвай Мойте стъпки
слушай Мойте думи
ти си в Моето сърце

Искам да си с Мене
да те нося на ръце
и да бъда твоя Бог

Аз съм твоят Бог.
Аз съм приятелят, Който никога няма да те изостави.
Аз съм светлината зад тази тъмнина.
Аз съм промяна и надежда.
Аз съм огънят, Който те очиства.
Аз съм вратата там където мислиш че има само стена.
Аз съм преди създаването на света.
Аз Съм!

Към Мене погледнете и спасени бъдете
всички земни крайща

защото Аз съм Бог и освен Мене няма друг.

Her speaking:(monologue)

"Have you ever been confused?
Have you had to make decision from which you have been trying to run away from? Or those sleepless nights in which lay down and your mind just refuses to sleep? Are you trying to run away from memory or to forget something that hunts you. How many evening have you lay down thinking or crying for something that is heavy on you. Are you searching for your path?
Are you battling with yourself? Do you want something or Someone that/who you can not have?
Do you experience emptiness, that emptiness that we always try to fill somehow? Do you feel good surrounded by the people or the society?
Do you care about the opinion of the people or what they think of you, about how you look, how you dress, what car you are driving, how your body looks, how your face looks or the rumours that are spreading around about you. What is the feeling to find out things about yourself, which even you do not know sometimes? Are you hurting for something for Someone? Do you feel like no one ever understands you and no one ever would be able to understand you? Do you want to run away from everything and everyone far away? Somehwere where only the wind can hear you...
Are your thoughts scattered around and have you tried to collect the pieces? The truth is that everyone is searching for something, every one of us is looking for someone. Everyone has looked back in the past looking for strength so that they can survive he present and maybe the future.
You don't have to deny it, not this time. And if the answer to all these questions is Yes, then listen because someone here has something to tell you."

Singing starts
God speaking:

Hear me, my child, hear me
why are you far away
it hurts me for you
and you flee from Me
why are you far away
it hurts me for you

Come to Me, come back to Me
come to Me and stay with Me
see the tears in My eyes
come to Me and stay with Me

I want you to be with Me,
to carry you in my arms
and to be your God
follow My steps
listen to My words
and be My child (repeat)
Hear My voice my child.Hear.
come to me and forsake sin
you are in My soul
come to me and forsake sin

Come to Me, return to Me
come to Me and stay with Me
see the tears in My eyes
come to me for you It hurts me

I want you to be with Me
To carry you in my arms
and to be your God
follow my steps
listen to my words
and be My child

I want you to be with Me
to carry you in my arms
and to be your God
follow my steps
listen to my words
You're in my heart

I want you to be with Me
to carry you in My arms
and to be your God

I am your God.
I am the friend who will never leave you.
I am the light behind this darkness.
I am change and hope.
I am the fire that cleanses you.
I am the door where you think there is only a wall.

I am before the creation of the world.


Look to Me and be saved
all the ends of the earth
for I am God, and there is none else beside me.

ArsoFX © 2019

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