王大濛:蒲園College Professor Spends 400 Thousand Building a Garden with Grass
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 Published On May 23, 2020

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王大濛,無錫人,人稱“江南草聖”。在江南大學教書30年,退休後研究起了最不起眼的東西——菖蒲,一種小草。他養的菖蒲,一盆可估價上萬元,但他從來不賣,他辦的展覽,也不收一分錢門票。 “中華民族是一個信仰草的民族,這種感情是世界上任何民族都沒有的,菖蒲和我是知音朋友的關係。”
Wang Taimeng, from Wuxi, is called ‘Grass Sage in Jiangnan’. As a former teacher in Jiangnan University for 30 years, he has retired and is now studying Changpu, which is a plain-looking grass worthy of over 10 thousand yuan each pot. But he never sells the grass. And he holds exhibitions of free admission. ‘The Chinese is a nation with a belief in grass, like no other nation in the world. Changpu is a bosom friend to me,’ said Wang.

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