Haiti Earthquake - Barack Obama, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush talk about aid (2)
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 Published On Jan 17, 2010

Presidents Clinton, Bush Pledge to Lead Fundraising Efforts for Haiti.
President Barack Obama, joined by his predecessors, George W. Bush and Bill Clinton, said Saturday the two former presidents will lead efforts to raise relief funds for Haitian victims in the wake of a deadly earthquake that has killed tens of thousands and sparked fears of a public health disaster.
Amid growing despair and desperation in Haiti, President Barack Obama today enlisted his two presidential predecessors to lead an ongoing American effort to help that country recover from Tuesday's devastating earthquake.
Barack Obama, flanked by Bill Clinton and George W. Bush behind a podium in the White House Rose Garden, said Americans must "do their part" to see that Haiti gets help.
"Every day that goes by, we learn more about the horrifying scope of this catastrophe -- destruction and suffering that defies comprehension, entire communities buried under mountains of concrete, families sleeping in the streets, injured desperate for care, many thousands feared dead," Obama said.
A major earthquake struck southern Haiti on Tuesday, knocking down buildings and power lines and inflicting new misery on the Western Hemisphere's poorest nation. THOUSANDS of people were feared dead today after a major earthquake hit Caribbean island Haiti.
The massive quake - 7.3 on the Richter scale - has destroyed thousands of buildings in the impoverished country.
Dead and injured people lay in the streets after the quake - the strongest to hit the island in 200 years - and thousands of survivors gathered in public places.
Horror-Erdbeben erschüttert Haiti.
Das völlig verarmte Haiti wurde von einem Erdbeben der Stärke von 7,0 erschüttert. Trümmer und Chaos in der Hauptstadt Port-au-Prince, es werden Tausende Tote befürchtet. Eine riesige Staubwolke schwebt über der Stadt, Menschen laufen völlig verzweifelt umher. Überall liegen Tote und Verletzte. Mit bloßen Händen graben Helfer nach Verschütteten, doch für die meisten gibt es wenig Hoffnung. Das Erdbeben begann um 16.53 Uhr (22.53 Uhr MEZ) und dauerte etwa eine Minute. Es folgten mehr als zehn schwere Nachbeben.
Haiti (frz.: Haïti; haitianisches Kreol: Ayiti) ist ein den Großen Antillen zugehöriger Inselstaat. Er umfasst den westlichen Teil der Karibikinsel Hispaniola, deren Ostteil die Dominikanische Republik einnimmt. Hauptstadt von Haiti ist Port-au-Prince.

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