Definition of Tawheed and the Importance of Tawheed | Akaid Lessons - 2 | Halis Bayancuk
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 Published On Jan 10, 2020

The definition of tawheed and the importance of tawheed is explained by Sheikh Halis (Abu Hanzala) in his lessons.

What is Tawhid?
Tawhid is the opposite of shirk.

The lexical meaning of tawhid: Tawhid means to unite, to make one.
The Shari'ah meaning of tawhid: In the science of Aqeedah, tawhid is the unity of Allah in matters that require the unity of Allah, both in faith and practice, and not associating partners with Him.

Tawhid is the most sensitive issue of Islamic faith. Without it and without distancing oneself from its opposite, one's deeds are useless and Allah's mercy is impossible.

Essentials for Tawhid
1. The principles on which God must be united
2. The unity of Allah in faith and practice

The essentials of the unity of God
Allah (swt) has a number of characteristics that distinguish Him from all other beings, that make Him superior to all other beings, that make Him worshipped and worshipped, and that are unique to Him.
Creation: There is no creator other than Allah.
Knowing: Only Allah knows everything without exception and nothing is beyond His knowledge. (See: 6/Al-An'am, 59)
To rule: It is not possible for any being other than Allah to have such an attribute to make laws, to determine halal, haram, forbidden, free...

The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) used to recite the following two verses when making an invitation:
Say: "O People of the Book! Come, let us agree on a common word between you and us: "Let us worship Allah alone, and associate nothing with Him, and take not one another as gods besides Allah." If they turn away, say: "Bear witness that we are of the Muslims/we are of those who have forsaken shirk and turned to Allah in tawhid." (3/Al-Imran, 64)

The importance of Tawheed
Tawhid is the most important part of religion. If there is no tawhid, there is no foundation. If there is tawhid, there is a foundation, there is building: Tawhid is what we are responsible for every second. Man lives for tawhid and dies for tawhid. Tawhid is the first thing people should be invited to.

Turn your face to religion as a Hanif (one who does not associate anything with Allah). (Follow) the nature in which Allah created mankind. There is no change in Allah's creation. (He created everyone on the basis of tawhid.) This is the true religion. But most people do not know, so turn to Him. Fear Him and hide yourselves from Him. Perform the prayer properly and do not be of the polytheists. (30/Ar-Rûm, 30-31)

Say: "Verily, my prayer, sacrifice, life and death are for Allah, the Lord of the worlds. He has no partner. This is what I have been commanded to do, and I am the first of the Muslims, the first of the servants who turn away from shirk and turn to Allah in tawhid." (6/Al-An'am, 162-163)

The 5 proofs of Allah (swt) on man to serve in Tawhid
1. Covenant: (7/Al-A'râf, 172-174)
2. Fittrat: (30/Ar-Rûm, 30) and the hadith "Every child is born according to the nature" (Bukhari)
3. Reason: (21/Al-Anbiya, 22)
4th Prophet: (4/An-Nîsa, 165)
Book 5: (2/Al-Baqarah, 2)

People have no excuse for associating shirk with Allah in the presence of these five proofs.

When the Prophet (pbuh) sent Muaz (r.a) to Yemen, he said to him:
"Surely you are going to a people of the Ahl al-Bayt. Call them to testify that there is no god but Allah and that I am the Messenger of Allah. If they accept this, inform them that Allah has made the five daily prayers obligatory on them. If they accept this, inform them that Allah has made zakat obligatory on them, to be taken from their wealth and given to the poor." (Muslim)

00:00 What is Tawhid?
04:45 Man's incomplete knowledge of tawhid
11:00 Verses that the Prophet recited when he made an invitation
17:37 People who are opponents of Tawheed are of two types
18:59 The importance of Tawheed
23:08 5 proofs of Allah (swt) on man to serve in Tawhid
31:30 Tawhid is the first thing called to in the invitation
34:08 The first thing that the Messenger of Allah commanded was not to associate partners with Allah, i.e. tawhid
36:20 The greatest evil done to a person who is ignorant of Tawheed is not to explain Tawheed
41:21 Tawhid is what we are responsible for every second
43:25 Dying in Tawhid
45:00 Umar (r.a) sees a priest and starts crying
46:49 Struggle without Tawhid is not jihad
47:30 The apostasy of those who mocked the Ashâb Suffa
51:57 Can we multiply the rational proofs for Tawheed?
57:57 Why do scholars and educated people not understand Tawheed?
59:00 Blind imitation
01:02:20 Sneaky types
01:04:06 Those who turn aqeedah into soup, the sect of theology
01:05:10 Those who are blind, those who do not hear
01:05:56 Retesting the people in the period of conquest

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