Dance medley | Raajanya and her friends at CLT for a noble cause I Raajanya's Universe
Raajanya's universe Raajanya's universe
346 subscribers

 Published On Apr 28, 2024

Every child is special in their own unique way. However, there are some kids, who need extra help because of a medical, emotional, learning or other neurotypical problem, because of which, they have special needs requiring medicine, therapy, or extra help in school — stuff other kids don't typically need or only need once in a while. Life is extra-challenging for a kid with special needs. Amazingly, other kids also can be a big help in this situation. How? By being a friend. Kids who need a wheelchair or have other health problems want friends just like you do. But meeting people and making friends can be tough. Infact, stories of such kids being teased or make fun of, is not too uncommon. Trust me, that's a very lonely feeling. Their neurological condition affects their social interaction, communication and behaviour. Empathy allows us to connect with others on an emotional level, to feel their joy or their pain. Children with neurotypical issues have trouble in expressing their feelings. But, they still need to know that you love them. Infact, I have come to the understanding that we should go out of our way to express our interest, care and support for these children. Every child on this earth is a gift from God, but there some, who are differently abled, as in, they have a disability or impairment, that affects their physical, sensory, cognitive, or mental abilities, in some way. It is about time that we pro-actively promote sensitivity, awareness and most importantly, social inclusion of neurotypical children. The early care, love and support received by these children determine their overall intellectual development and social behaviour in the coming years. No child should be devoid of love, care and equal opportunities to flourish. Last night was Raajanya's way to say she stands with all her SPECIAL friends.

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