Amazon FBA Marketing Funnel: ICAP
My Amazon Guy My Amazon Guy
49.1K subscribers

 Published On Premiered Jun 27, 2022

Search Query Performance Report

ICAP stands for #impressions #clicks #addtocarts #purchases

00:00 Amazon FBA Marketing Funnel: ICAP
00:13 The Impression
00:58 The Click
01:34 Add to Cart
01:38 The Purchase
02:32 Deeper conversion rate into the funnel, more spend on ads going up
03:39 You can identify the KW that's important to your brand
04:06 Lower Impression percentage than Clicks
04:48 Search Query Performance Report
05:55 Search Funnel Impressions
09:04 Best way to improve Click Thru Rate
12:17 Weekly report data changes week-to-week
12:52 Use Search Query Performance Report to identify which part of ICAP you need to focus on
17:03 Never tell the consumer how to use your product

**Search Funnel - Impressions

Impressions - Total number of impressions, for the selected time period, originating from the search results page across all search queries. An impression is counted every time the ASIN is displayed on the search results page.
Rating (Median) - Median rating of the ASIN at the time of the display on the search results page.

**Search Funnel - Clicks
Clicks - Total number of ASIN clicks or glance views for the selected time period originated from the search results page. A click is valid when the detail page of the ASIN is rendered from the search page.
Click Rate (CTR) - The CTR is the most influential metric that helps you determine your overall product quality. It includes the percentage of clicks to impressions for ASINs originating from the search results page.

**Search Funnel - Cart Adds
Cart AddsTotal number of ASIN cart adds for the selected time period originated from the search results page.

**Search Funnel - Purchases
Purchases - Total number of ASIN purchases for the selected time period originated from the search results page.
Total Sales - Total sales or gross sales is the grand total of all sales revenues for the selected time period originated from the search results page.
Conversion Rate - The conversion rate describes the successful transition of a customer from clicks to purchases. This metric includes the percentage of purchases to clicks for ASINs originated from the search results page.
Rating (Median) - Median rating of the purchased ASIN at the time of the display in Search
Search Query Performance Dashboard - The Search Query Performance dashboard lists the top queries or customer searches that led customers to the brand's products. It includes overall query performance such as impressions, clicks, cart adds, and purchases for each query and the brand's share of that performance.

**General Definitions
Rank - Rank order the queries from top performance to least performance. We share the top 1000 ranked queries at this point. This column cannot be hidden.
Search Query - The query was searched by the customers. This column cannot be hidden.
Search Query Volume - The number of times this query was searched during the selected time period.
Same-Day Shipping Speed - Same-day shipping speed means customers receive the products within the day after purchasing them. This metric captures the number of times ASINs with the same-day delivery message are "impressed/clicked/cart-added/purchased" in the search results page for the specific query. We propagate shipping speed at the time of impression to all downstream actions such as click, add, and purchase.
Price (Median) - Median price across all of the ASINs for the query, at the time of impression.
Brand Price (Median) - Median price across all of the Brand's ASINs for the query, at the time of impression.

**Search Funnel - Impressions
Total Count - The number of ASINs impressed for the query originated from the search result.
Brand Count - Total number of impressions from the brand's catalog impressed for this query.
Brand Share -Percentage share of impressions from the brand's catalog compared to the total count for the query.

**Search Funnel - Clicks
Total Count - The number of ASINs clicked for the query originated from the search result.
Brand Count - Total number of clicks from the brand's catalog for this query.
Brand Share - Percentage share of clicks from the brand's catalog compared to the total count for the query.

**Search Funnel - Cart Adds
Total Count - The number of ASINs cart added for the query originated from the search result.
Brand Count - Total number of cart-adds from the brand's catalog for this query.
Brand Share - Percentage share of cart-adds from the brand's catalog compared to the total count for the query.

**Search Funnel - Purchases
Total Count - The number of ASINs purchased for the query originated from the search result.
Brand Count - Total number of purchases from the brand's catalog for this query.
Brand Share - Percentage share of purchases from the brand's catalog compared to the total count for the query.

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