Wisata batam pantai ElYORA jembatan 6 galang baru/ElYORA beach batam/video drone view batam
family yadi boy family yadi boy
951 subscribers

 Published On Aug 13, 2023

Drone pemandangan wisata pantai ElYORA galang baru batam/ElYORA beac batam/video drone view batam

Lokasi pantai ElYORA di jembatan 6 barelang (terakhir) galang baru batam

Untuk panduan jalan ke lokasi dan jalan masuk

Pantai dengan pasir putih yang indah dan lembut. Saat surut, berbaring santai di tepi pantai di terpa ombak kecil sungguh menyenangkan

Biaya masuk pantai ElYORA 2023:
-masuk/entry 10000 per orang
-parkir motor 5000
-parkir mobil 20000
-sewa pondok 200000 sehari semalam
-bilas mandi 3000 per orang
-opsi lain bisa juga duduk berteduh di bawah pohon sepanjang pesisir geratis

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batam Indonesia

wisata propinsi riau

inilah rekomendasi tempat wisata terbaik di batam kepuluaan riau destinasi wisata alam terbaru.
kekinian dan paling hits yang patut anda kunjungi ketika liburan bersama keluarga.

kota batam adalah kota ke tiga dengan penduduk yang paling banyak se pulang sumatra. kota satu ini memang berkembang cukup pesat di berbagai sektor termasuk wisata nya. ada banyak tempat wisata yang bisa di kunjungi dan selalu ramai oleh wisata mancanegara mau pun domestik. jika anda berencana untuk berlibur ke bagian Provinsi Kepulauan riau ini, wisata satu ini jga bisa di jadikan referensi kalian berlibur

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Video ini di rekomendasi untuk:yang ingin berlibur di batam, pantai ElYORA batam, pantai ElYORA jembatan 6 barelang,wisata pantai barelang,wisata pantai yang ada di barelang,pantai jembatan 6 Barelangwisata batam, tempat wisata batam, tempat wisata di batam, wisata batam terbaru, wisata pantai batam, batam wisata, ini konten wisata, Singapura dari batam, wisata batam, wisata batam terbaik, pesona batam, wonderful batam, keindahan alam di batam, keindahan batam, pariwisata batam, jalan jalan ke batam, eksplore batam, daftar wisata batam, rekomendasi wisata batam, rekomendasi wisata di batam, Republik wisata, republik wisata batam,


Subtitle English:
Drone view of the new Galang ElYORA beach tourism in Batam/ElYORA beac Batam/video drone view Batam

The location of ElYORA beach is at the bridge 6 Barelang (last) Galang Baru Batam

For guides to the location and entrance

Beach with beautiful white sand and soft. At low tide, lying relaxed on the beach in the small waves is really fun

ElYORA beach entrance fee 2023:
-entry 10000 per person
motorbike parking 5000
-parking car 20000
rent a cottage 200000 a night
rinse bath 3000 per person
-Another option is to sit in the shade under a tree along the coast of Geratis

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batam Indonesia

Riau province tourism

Here are the recommendations for the best tourist attractions in Batam, Riau Islands, the newest natural tourist destinations.
the most current and hits that you should visit while on vacation with your family.

Batam City is the third city with the most populous population in Sumatra. This city is indeed growing quite rapidly in various sectors including tourism. there are many tourist attractions that can be visited and are always crowded by foreign and domestic tourists. if you are planning to take a vacation to this part of the Riau Archipelago Province, this one tour can also be used as a reference for your vacation

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This video is recommended for: those who want to vacation in Batam, ElYORA beach Batam, ElYORA beach Barelang 6 bridge, Barelang beach tourism, Barelang beach tourism, Barelang bridge 6 beach Batam tourism, Batam tourist attractions, tourist attractions in Batam, Batam tourism newest, batam beach tour, tourism batam, this is tourism content, singapore from batam, batam tour, best batam tour, charms of batam, wonderful batam, natural beauty in batam, beauty of batam, tourism batam, walk to batam, explore batam, list batam tours, batam travel recommendations, travel recommendations in batam, travel republic, batam tourism republic,


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