Ernst Krenek: Wechselrahmen, op.189. Ilana Davidson, Mikhail Korzhev
Mikhail Korzhev Mikhail Korzhev
156 subscribers

 Published On Jul 28, 2012

Wechselrahmen, op.189 (1964/65) - six songs by Ernst Krenek. Texts by Emil Barth. English translation by Ernst Krenek (below):

1. Schwarze Muse (Black Muse) (0:04)

Promptress, voice, why do you bend to the ear so soundless lips? What stanzas of night shadow do you sound to your slave? A hand plays between strings of nothing. Mutely the mad tunes of unspeakable resignation tremble.

Einfluestrerin, Stimme, was neigst du so tonlose Lippen dem Ohr? Was fuer Nachtschattenstrophen schweigst du dem immerdir hoerigen vor? Es spielt zwischen Saiten aus Eisen eine hand auf Straengen des Nichts. Stummschauerndie irren Weisen unfasslichen Verzichts.

2. Der Schatten (The Shadow) (1:29)

Unique moment, unnoticed, when each thing was one with its shadow, its shoulders heavily gilded with vertical light - midday's happiness, precise on the crest between the slopes of time, as when you set the foot of night on its neck. But now it goes through the hour of the great division, when light stabs men, things, happiness in the back, showers of leafy gold spray off the blue slope. Astonished, you watch the monster crawl out from under your soles, masked over and over with beautiful scales; off and on it shakes, rustles, like bones, shows you its black lips.

Einziger Augenblick, unbemerkt, als jedes Ding einswar mit seinem Schatten, die Scultern schwer vergoldet vom lotrechten Licht, - Mittadsglueck, gratgenau zwischen den Haengen der Zeit, als du der Nacht den Fuss auf den Nacken gesetzt. Nun aber gehts durch die Stunde der grossen Entzweiung, da den Menschen den Dingen, dem Glueck das Licht in den Rueckenfaellt, Schauer zerblaetterten Golds stieben vom blauen Hang. Stauend siehst du das Untier, das unter den Sohlen dir vorkriecht, ueber und ueber getarnt mit den schoenen Schuppen; manchmal Schuettelt es sich, raschelt beinern, zeigt dir die schwarzen Lefzen.

3. Ihr Schwuere (Your Vows) (4:12)

Your vows against oblivion, vows of despair, for love demands to love forever, but the spirit throws ethereal cold onto her glow and teaches the consumed, whose nature is to be transient. To love is always the reflection of the eternal love. Do not distrust the moment that flies by as swiftly as the ray of light. For across time, refracted in colors, it hits you before you you see it go and it is wedded to you, where you are the light of the Eternal Light.

Ihr Schwuere gegen des Vergessen, - Verzweiflungsscheuere, da die Liebe ewig zu lieben begehrt, aber der Geist Aetherkaelte auf ihre Glutwirft und die verzehrende lehrt,wes Wessens sie ist im Vergaenglichen. Zu lieben ist immer ewiger Liebe Abglanz. Misstraue nichtdem Augenblick, der dahinfaehrt lichtstrahl-schnell; denn quer durch die Zeit in Farben gebrochen trifft er dich, eh du ihm nach-siehst, und vermaehlt sich mit dir, wo du licht bist vom ewigen Lichte.

4. Spruchband (Statement) (6:45)

He who is born is terrifiedby the light of the world, by the air he inhales and pushes away as a cry. With fear he falls into life, does not know the hand that receives him. He who is called by deathis terrified by the darknessof the worldand by unaccustomedbreathlessness. With fear he falls out of life, does not know the hand that receives him.

Den Geborenen schreckt das Licht der Welt, schreckt die Luft, die er einzicht und von sich stoesst als Schrei. Unter Angst dtuert er ins Leben, kennt nicht die Hand, die die ihn auffaengt. Den der Tod beruft, schreckt der Welt Dunkel und ungewohnte Atemlosigkeit. Unter Angst entstuerzt dem Leben, kennt nicht die Hand,
die ihn auffaengt.

5.Wechselrahmen ( Changing Frames) (8:55)

A harbor of the dead. Their boats crowd around the heavy nave of the church, gaily overloaded with flowers of November, the crosses like masts at angels in the storm of time. Passing - we who still travel restlessly around this earth after happiness - picture set in the changing frame of the express train's window in front of which we are dining on the appointed tables. Who pins to the bosom of the beautiful lady so spookily some white of those bouquets and who dips into the glass that someone toasting raises the flowers of the dead, spicing the drink? A waving - gone already - already way back, so small - the paleness of the parting hand. And look: so small it also waves far ahead.You will change the frame. Courage! Farewell.

6. Heller als Glessteine (Brighter Than Rhinestones) (12:43)

Brighter than rhinestones, a wall of time (of forty years), more formidable than any Chinese wall, more transparent than air... a sailboat in a sealed bottle... swept hereto... a message in a bottle... do not break seal... what a spirit in the bottle.

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