Chiropractor Session, Richard Gordon with Dr. James Hopkins
Quantum-Touch Quantum-Touch
20.6K subscribers

 Published On Jan 11, 2009

Watch in HD! Richard Gordon, founder and author of Quantum-Touch® demonstrates to Dr. James Hopkins, chiropractor, how Quantum-Touch® works.

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Transcript of the above video:

Doctor (Chiropractor) James Hopkins: "Richard, I am wondering, do you work specifically with injuries?"

Richard Gordon: "Injury is one of the best applications of Quantum-Touch. Whenever you are working with an acute problem, you get really fast results"

Doctor (Chiropractor) James Hopkins: "Oh I got to see that, I got a young man who is 12 years old, typically active skateboarder, really athletic, musician. I'd like him to come on in."

Anthony (12 year old problem) : "I play a lot of basketball...and after my games, or even after practice, or even just running alot, my knee will start to build up and tense up to where I can't move it...for like at least 6 months." "I've fallen on it a couple of times."

Richard Gordon: "I did some research at the university California Santa Cruz, on the men’s basketball team, we saw that an average 10 minutes session reduced their pain by 50%, and some things work really quickly some things take a longer time, let’s see what we can do right now in a little while. (Demonstration of Quantum-Touch Ensues 1:47)

Richard: Gordon: "How much pain was there before we started?

Anthony: "About a 6"

Richard Gordon: (Follow up after demonstration) How's the pain doing in there?"

Anthony: "The pain went down a lot"

Richard Gordon: "So what is it now"

Anthony: "I'd say it is about a 2 or 1"
Richard Continues Quantum-Touch treatment
Richard Gordon: Why don't you check it now and see how it's doing?"

Anthony: " It feels much better, it feels like no tension at all on my knees, and it feels really relaxed, the muscles feel really relaxed down in my calf."

Richard Gordon; Is there any pain remaining?"

Anthony: "No"

Quantum-Touch by Richard Gordon

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