World's Shamanic Plants | Complete Illustrated Survey - Terence McKenna
Danit Friedman Danit Friedman
24.4K subscribers

 Published On Aug 25, 2024

Terence McKenna - Shamanic Plants - Complete Illustrated Survey
Plants with the History of Shamanic Usage
The Psychedelic Salon - 1989

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Using a combination of AI and Photoshop tools


Dennis McKenna Research on Ayahuasca:

10. The Scientific Investigation of Ayahuasca

Biodynamic Constituents in Ayahuasca Admixture Plants


Info Chronological Order:

Africa - tabernanthe iboga
India - 1 Datura 'Fastuosa'
2 Cannabis
Indonesia (Bali) - Most common mushrooms in Bali are not Stropharia Cubensis (Psilocybe Cubensis), But Copelandia (Panaeolus Cyanescens) Is
Copelandia is also in Thailand (Ko Samui), HawaIii - mushrooms growing in Zebu Cows dung
Test to tell the difference - in the sun

Old World Tropics:
World Wide - Leguminous tree
Aspalathus linearis (rooibos tea)
Euphorbia (spurge family)

imagination to the New World:
The cross between Alaska and Siberia:
similarities between
Mexico - cannabis sativa
Centeral Asia - cannabis ruderalis

Siberia - Amanita Muscaria (Soma Mushroom)
also Denmark, Soviet Union, Alaska, Canada

North American Indians - Absence due to thousands of years of moving in cold conditions
Acorus Calamus (Sweet flag), root

Mesoamerica - Sophora Secundiflora (Texas Mountain Laurel)
Peyote Cactus
Datura 'Fastuosa' again

Central Mexico - Psilocybe mexicana
Psilocybe Caerulescens was discovered by Robert Gordon Wasson

Hallucinogenic Plants Without History of Shamanic Usage:
Agraria (morning glory)
Ipomoea and Turbinata (morning glory)
Heavenly Blue (morning glory)
Flying Saucer (morning glory)
Pearly Gates (morning glory)
Mexican Turbina Corymbosa (morning glory)

Caribbean islands
Leguminous tree - Anadenanthera peregrina

Amazon Rainforest
Banisteriopsis caapi (ayahuasca) -
combining with Psychotria viridis (coffee family)
or Diplopterys cabrerana in Colombia
Brugmansia Arborea (Tree Datura) in Peru and Southern Colombia

Leguminous tree - Anadenanthera Peregrina and Anadenanthera Macrocarpa
Myristicaceae tree (from Nutmeg family) Genus Virola

Pakistan - Ergot fung,i genus (Claviceps) on Wild Rye

Rauvolfia Serpentina

Arundo Donax


0:00 - intro
01:24 - Africa - Shamanic Plants
08:40 - India Shamanic Plants
16:49 - Old World Tropics (Indonesia)
24:19 - Migration Into The New World
27:05 - Denmark, Soviet Union, Alaska, Canada
31:18 - North America
33:28 - Mesoamerica
38:08 - Cemtral Mexico
41:00 - Plants Without The History of Shamanic Usage
52:27 - Caribbean Islands
54:26 - Amazon Rainforest
01:09:21 - Pakistan
01:17:36 - India
01:20:31 - Good Hearted Political statement


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