Africa Is Rich
Geography Facts Geography Facts
1.45K subscribers

 Published On Oct 13, 2023

Africa is a big place. But many people often get things wrong about it. They think all of Africa is the same. But Africa has many countries with many different people. In total, 1.4 billion people are living in Africa.

For a long time, people have had the wrong idea about Africa. They think it's only a place with problems like hunger and sickness. This isn't true for the whole continent.

It's not right to think one country represents all of Africa. Just like one person doesn't speak for everyone. When people make big claims about Africa without knowing the facts, others might get upset. They feel this shows ignorance.

It's important to know the truth about Africa and to understand its diversity.

Many people think Africa is just one place. But Africans know it's not. Africa is big. It has 54 countries. Each country is unique. They have their own money, beliefs, and leaders. Some areas in Africa even see themselves as Arab, not African.

Africa is changing fast. It faces challenges but also has many success stories. Cities like Nairobi, Kigali, and Lagos are becoming tech centers. These cities are making big moves in the digital world.

There are also big companies in Africa. For example, Google has offices there. They are working on making the internet faster for many people in Africa.

The money Africa makes is growing faster than other places in the world. More people are moving to cities. The internet is reaching more people. This helps many in Africa join the bigger world economy.

Africa has many countries. But they don't always work well together. This slows down their growth. It also makes Africa depend on others.

Jorlyn Akel, a big boss at Iron Capital, talks about this. Iron Capital is a company that works only in Africa. He says that the countries in Africa don't support each other enough. For example, they don't buy and sell a lot with each other.

In 2017, only 17% of all trade in Africa was between African countries. This is very low. It's the lowest of any big area with many countries.#africa #africanews #geography #world

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