🪷How the Buddha got enlightened and the science behind Full Moon🌝 Moon Podcast #1✨Wise bedtime story
Samanta Matetskaya Samanta Matetskaya
635 subscribers

 Published On Aug 18, 2024

Did you know that the greatest enlightenment in history happened on the Full Moon? 🌝
Do you know why for 2500 years a Full Moon has been celebrated every month by a billion people on earth?
Most importantly, would you like to learn the lessons of this Full Moon and practice them yourself?
Welcome to the Moon Podcast ✨
Today I will tell you a story of the Buddha and his beautiful and profound transformation. You can listen to this before going to bed to unwind and calm down, as proven by the users of the MoonX App for which this was originally recorded. No matter the time of the day though, just relax and follow me on the path of illumination.

Once upon a Full Moon, in the 6th century before Christ, a baby was born in a royal family of Nepal. The little prince was named Siddhartha Gautama. His father received a prophecy that the prince would become a great leader of the world, however he would renounce the kingdom. So the father who wanted his son to become the next king, organized the life of Siddhartha in a way that he would not have any contact with the outside world, living in total sheltered bliss. He got a wife and a child and lived this carefree luxury life within the royal palace, always pondering though on religious and philosophical questions.
At the age of 29 he had his first visit outside the palace’s walls and the things he saw in the real life struck him. For the first time Prince Siddhārtha saw an old man, a sick man, a dead man and a monk, and these four sights moved him too deeply. That same night the prince escaped from the palace against his father’s will and began his wanderings.
For six years he walked over India to find the answer to the question that took over Siddhārtha's mind: what is the nature of suffering? He tried various spiritual teachings but they did not have the answer. He practiced yoga and asceticism but did not get satisfied. For six years he deprived himself of all earthly pleasures, punishing and destroying his body, torturing his mind, eating just one rice grain a day because the ascetics believed that if you transcend the limitations of physical body, if you subdue the flesh - that is how you get spiritual power.

One day, when his body was about to fall apart, he suddenly remembered the sensation of joy: he remembered his wife, his son, he realized the beauty of the nature around him and that pure joy filled his heart. At this moment a girl passed by and as she saw exhausted Siddhartha literally dying of hunger she offered him a bowl of rice milk. And he ate the rice willingly and he realized that physical deprivations do not lead to enlightenment. After that he washed himself in a river and sat under a giant Bodhi tree with a clear intention: “Either I will see the the ultimate destination of my existence, or I just sit here and die. I will not open my eyes until I attain the supreme wisdom”...

I hope you enjoy this captivating story and my takeaways from it.
Did you too learn anything from the Buddha and the Moon? Please share it in your comments. And follow me for the next episodes of the Moon Podcast!

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