IU 5th Album [LILAC] w/ ACCURATE English Lyrics
흑당꿀사과 for IU 흑당꿀사과 for IU
9.4K subscribers

 Published On Apr 2, 2021

IU's lyrics always contain so many meanings and thoughts, yet English translations are always not good enough to convey everything in depth. As a Korean myself, I was always disappointed (and partially annoyed) at this so I decided to make a lyric video of this masterpiece myself. Of course, English translations will never be as good as IU's own writing but at least mine are better than those videos made in 5 minutes after the song gets released 🤪

Album description and Song introduction written by IU have been translated and posted down below. Make sure to check them out as well since IU's music has much more meanings and symbolisms than what you may expect! I also put some additional notes to help your understanding.

*I do not get monetized through this channel and everything goes to the owner of the music so plz enjoy!


IU 5th Album [LILAC] – Produced by IU
The meaning of the flower ‘LILAC’ is ‘first love’ and ‘memories of the youth’. To everyone who has witnessed her journey from the very first page until the last page of her twenties, IU sends a splendid but perhaps a little lonely greeting in gratitude.

Song introduction written by IU (and *additional notes by me!)

01 – LILAC
“A story of a couple wishing each other a happy farewell after loving each other for the past 10 years within the exclamation that the spring screams out.”

*IU describes this happy farewell between a couple as a metaphor for the farewell to her twenties.

02 – Flu
“When I write lyrics using ‘love’ as a theme, the most dominant sense that comes into my mind is ‘pain’. When I finally realize that the emotion that has been bugging me continuously is love, I feel like every element that composes my body is being jumbled up and rearrange themselves. And, this feeling is not exactly refreshing.
This a story about the last rebellion against the virus called ‘love’, which will completely paralyze me even if I strongly deny it with all my power.”

03 – Coin
“Stimulating things are irreplaceably attractive, but they are detrimental to your health in the end.
I’ll play just one more round of this health-damaging game.”

*IU describes this gamble that is detrimental to people’s health as a metaphor to her work. She’s been living an incredibly busy life in her 20s to the point that she was almost addicted to her work and harmed her health. Now, it’s time to find a balance between work and life but let’s allow her to play this last round of a game before wrapping up her 20s.

04 – Hi spring Bye
“Although there are times when the first name that comes to my mind unconsciously is yours,
Although there are occasionally sleepless nights like these,
I don’t think of this feeling as a lingering attachment anymore.

It’s just a name that I recall on a tiring day,
It’s only a coincidence that I want to come across once more.

The feeling of stepping out of my house early in the morning, just in case that little noise was from you,
The feeling of reaching out my hand, just in case that gently blowing wind was from you,
The feeling of calling out your name when gazing into the eyes of a cat, just in case it’s you

I see that you’ve turned into a butterfly,
You’re still pretty
I see that you’ve turned into a bird,
You’re free at last

You have come to me again without forgetting,
Thank you

It’s a relief that I can wait for you tomorrow as well,
Let’s meet again on a good day.”

05 – Celebrity
I have a friend who has often been treated as an eccentric person because of the eye-catching appearance, a little peculiar taste, a variety of talents, a defence mechanism derived from shyness, and a personality of having clear likes and dislikes for everything.
I love that friend even more for these characteristics, but my friend said that he/she has been receiving more looks of hatred for the same reason.
Although my lyrics first started off as a message I wanted to send over to my “eccentric friend”, as I made more progression, I gradually realized that this was also a story about myself. When I finished writing the lyrics, I thought it wouldn’t be unnatural at all if the protagonist’s role was substituted with anyone, not only my friend nor myself. Everyone would have had an experience of feeling left out at least once in their life for the reason of not meeting the standards set by others.
I want to say this to everyone who were born crudely yet uniquely, including my friend.
You are not an eccentric person, but you’re like a star.

*‘Eccentric’ in Korean is ‘별난 (Byeol-nan)’ and ‘Star’ in Korean is ‘별 (Byeol)’. IU loves playing around with words (wink wink)

06 – Troll (Feat. DEAN)
“Even though it’s pathetic,
if everything until now was love after all, then I guess it’s still love”

*Two lovers are lost in a troll (repeating song) and this won’t stop until one of them steps up to say “Let’s end our relationship here!”. Would that happen though…?

07 – Empty Cup
“A man, who couldn’t hold the woman from leaving her seat, was still sitting at that place with a pale look. Instead of the fragrant coffee that used to fill up to the brim, only the messy coffee stains remain on the bottom of his cup.”

*IU said she had a specific scene that she imagined of when writing the lyrics to this song. A couple facing a breakup in a café, the woman leaves first and the man is left alone, the cup that used to hold hot coffee is now empty and only the stains remain on the bottom.

08 – My Sea (Sea of a child & I)
“After enduring the nights with a poor heart as I couldn’t love myself completely,
I have managed to find my sea at last.”

*IU specifically said that the first verse talks about her early 20s, the second verse talks about her mid 20s, and the third verse talks about her late 20s. This song is 5 minutes 16 seconds long, matching her birthday (May 16). You can witness IU’s growth through this song.

09 – Ah puh
“Let’s see each other in that ocean until we get sick of each other.”

*Can I just say it was soooo hard to translate these lyrics into English cuz IU’s witty Korean lyrics are literally the hardest thing to explain in other languages. I tried my best though… It’s a fun song.

10 – Epilogue
“To all the listeners, who were willing to have a conversation with me without being tired through the talkative days of my twenties, I would like to say thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Not as a 23-year-old IU, nor a 25-year-old IU, not even the IU from last year, but myself of this very moment is now moving onto the next chapter without any doubts.
- from Jieun”

*This song is IU’s letter to her fans, thanking them for being with her throughout her 20s. Oh btw, IU’s real name is Jieun (if anyone didn’t know about this)


0:00 - 라일락 (LILAC)
3:34 - Flu
6:41 - Coin
9:53 - 봄 안녕 봄 (Hi spring Bye)
15:17 - Celebrity
18:32 - 돌림노래 (Troll) (Feat. DEAN)
21:42 - 빈 컵 (Empty Cup)
24:02 - 아이와 나의 바다 (My Sea)
29:22 - 어푸 (Ah puh)
32:42 - 에필로그 (Epilogue)

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